Source code for VESIcal.models.iaconomarziano

from VESIcal import activity_models
from VESIcal import calibration_checks
from VESIcal import core
from VESIcal import fugacity_models
from VESIcal import model_classes
from VESIcal import sample_class

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
import warnings as w

[docs] class water(model_classes.Model): """ Implementation of the Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012) water solubility model, as a Model class. Three calibrations are provided- the one incorporating the H2O content as a parameter (hydrous), and the one that does not (anhydrous), in addition to the coefficient values given incorrect and do not align with the web versions of the model. Which model should be used is specified when the methods are called. The default choice is the hydrous model. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise the model. """ self.set_volatile_species(['H2O']) self.set_fugacity_model(fugacity_models.fugacity_idealgas()) self.set_activity_model(activity_models.activity_idealsolution()) self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [1000, 1400], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'oC', 'IaconoMarzianoWater', fail_msg=crmsg_BC_T, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [100, 10000], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bars', 'IaconoMarzianoWater', fail_msg=crmsg_BC_P, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description)]) # Not dependent on CO2 conc, H2O dependence dealt with within model. self.set_solubility_dependence(False) # The oxide masses used in the IM webapp. self.IM_oxideMasses = {'Al2O3': 101.96, 'CaO': 56.08, 'FeO': 71.85, 'K2O': 94.2, 'MgO': 40.32, 'Na2O': 61.98, 'SiO2': 60.09, 'TiO2': 79.9, 'H2O': 18.01}
[docs] def calculate_dissolved_volatiles(self, pressure, temperature, sample, X_fluid=1.0, coeffs='webapp', **kwargs): """ Calculates the dissolved H2O concentration, using Eq (13) of Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012). If using the hydrous parameterization, it will use the scipy.root_scalar routine to find the root of the root_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure in bars. temperature float Temperature in C sample pandas Series or dict Major element oxides in wt%. X_fluid float Mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Default is 1.0. coeffs str Which set of coefficients should be used in the calculations: - 'webapp' (default) for the hydrous NBO/O parameterisation coefficients used in the Iacono-Marziano webapp. - 'manuscript' for the hydrous NBO/O parameterisation coefficients given in the Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012) manuscript, but were incorrect (pers.comm.). - 'anhydrous' for the anhydrous NBO/O parameterisation coefficients given in the Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012) manuscript. Returns ------- float Dissolved H2O concentration in wt%. """ if coeffs not in ['webapp', 'manuscript', 'anhydrous']: raise core.InputError("The coeffs argument must be one of 'webapp', 'manuscript', " "or 'anhydrous'") temperature = temperature + 273.15 # translate T from C to K if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if pressure < 0: raise core.InputError("Pressure must be positive.") if X_fluid < 0 or X_fluid > 1: raise core.InputError("X_fluid must have a value between 0 and 1.") if pressure == 0: return 0 if coeffs == 'webapp' or coeffs == 'manuscript': if X_fluid == 0: return 0 H2O = root_scalar( self.root_dissolved_volatiles, args=(pressure, temperature, sample, X_fluid, coeffs, kwargs), x0=1.0, x1=2.0).root return H2O else: a = 0.54 b = 1.24 B = -2.95 C = 0.02 fugacity = self.fugacity_model.fugacity(pressure=pressure, X_fluid=X_fluid, temperature=temperature-273.15, **kwargs) if fugacity == 0: return 0 NBO_O = self.NBO_O(sample=sample, coeffs=coeffs) H2O = np.exp(a*np.log(fugacity) + b*NBO_O + B + C*pressure/temperature) return H2O
[docs] def calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(self, pressure, temperature, sample, **kwargs): """ Returns 1.0 if a pure H2O fluid is saturated. Returns 0.0 if a pure H2O fluid is undersaturated. Parameters ---------- pressure float The total pressure of the system in bars. temperature float The temperature of the system in C. sample pandas Series or dict Major element oxides in wt% (including H2O). Returns ------- float 1.0 if H2O-fluid saturated, 0.0 otherwise. """ if pressure > self.calculate_saturation_pressure(temperature=temperature, sample=sample, **kwargs): return 0.0 else: return 1.0
[docs] def calculate_saturation_pressure(self, temperature, sample, **kwargs): """ Calculates the pressure at which a pure H2O fluid is saturated, for the given sample composition and H2O concentration. Calls the scipy.root_scalar routine, which makes repeated called to the calculate_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- temperature float The temperature of the system in C. sample pandas Series or dict Major element oxides in wt% (including H2O). X_fluid float The mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Default is 1.0. Returns ------- float Calculated saturation pressure in bars. """ if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if sample.check_oxide('H2O') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain H2O.") if sample.get_composition('H2O') < 0.0: raise core.InputError("Dissolved H2O must be greater than 0 wt%.") try: # Checks whether the upper bound for the numerical solver returns a positive H2O # concentration, and if it doesn't, it will progressively decrease the bound until # it does. upperbound = 1e5 while self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(upperbound, temperature, sample, **kwargs) < 0: upperbound = upperbound*0.9 satP = root_scalar(self.root_saturation_pressure, args=(temperature, sample, kwargs), bracket=[1e-15, upperbound]).root except Exception: w.warn("Saturation pressure not found.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) satP = np.nan return satP
[docs] def root_saturation_pressure(self, pressure, temperature, sample, kwargs): """ Function called by scipy.root_scalar when finding the saturation pressure using calculate_saturation_pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure float Pressure guess in bars temperature float The temperature of the system in C. sample pandas Series or dict Major elements in wt% (normalized to 100%), including H2O. kwargs dictionary Additional keyword arguments supplied to calculate_saturation_pressure. Might be required for the fugacity or activity models. Returns ------- float The differece between the dissolved H2O at the pressure guessed, and the H2O concentration passed in the sample variable. """ return (sample.get_composition('H2O') - self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, temperature=temperature, sample=sample, **kwargs))
[docs] def root_dissolved_volatiles(self, h2o, pressure, temperature, sample, X_fluid, coeffs, kwargs): """ Function called by calculate_dissolved_volatiles method when the hydrous parameterization is being used. Parameters ---------- h2o float Guess for the H2O concentration in wt%. pressure float Total pressure in bars. temperature float Temperature in K. sample pandas Series or dict Major element oxides in wt%. X_fluid float Mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. coeffs str One of 'webapp','manuscript','anhydrous'. kwargs dictionary Keyword arguments Returns ------- float Difference between H2O guessed and the H2O calculated. """ if coeffs == 'manuscript': a = 0.53 b = 2.35 B = -3.37 C = -0.02 else: a = 0.52096846 b = 2.11575907 B = -3.24443335 C = -0.02238884 sample_copy = sample.change_composition({'H2O': h2o}, inplace=False) NBO_O = self.NBO_O(sample=sample_copy, coeffs=coeffs) fugacity = self.fugacity_model.fugacity(pressure=pressure, X_fluid=X_fluid, temperature=temperature - 273.15, **kwargs) return h2o - np.exp(a*np.log(fugacity) + b*NBO_O + B + C*pressure/(temperature))
[docs] def NBO_O(self, sample, coeffs='webapp'): """ Calculates NBO/O according to Appendix A.1. of Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012). NBO/O is calculated on either a hydrous or anhyrous basis, as set when initialising the Model class. Parameters ---------- sample pandas Series or dict Major element oxides in wt% (including H2O if using the hydrous parameterization). coeffs str One of: - 'webapp' or 'manuscript' to include H2O in NBO/O - 'anhydrous' to exclude H2O from NBO/O Returns ------- float NBO/O. """ if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if all(sample.check_oxide(ox) for ox in ['K2O', 'Na2O', 'CaO', 'MgO', 'FeO', 'Al2O3', 'SiO2', 'TiO2']) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must contain K2O, Na2O, CaO, MgO, FeO, Al2O3, SiO2, " "and TiO2.") X = sample.get_composition(units='mol_oxides', oxide_masses=self.IM_oxideMasses) if 'Fe2O3' in X: Fe2O3 = X['Fe2O3'] else: Fe2O3 = 0 NBO = 2*(X['K2O'] + X['Na2O'] + X['CaO'] + X['MgO'] + X['FeO'] + 2*Fe2O3 - X['Al2O3']) Ox = (2*X['SiO2'] + 2*X['TiO2'] + 3*X['Al2O3'] + X['MgO'] + X['FeO'] + 2*Fe2O3 + X['CaO'] + X['Na2O'] + X['K2O']) if coeffs == 'webapp' or coeffs == 'manuscript': if 'H2O' not in X: raise core.InputError("sample must contain H2O if using the hydrous" " parameterization.") NBO = NBO + 2*X['H2O'] Ox = Ox + X['H2O'] return NBO/Ox
[docs] class carbon(model_classes.Model): """ Implementation of the Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012) carbon solubility model, as a Model class. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise the model. """ self.set_volatile_species(['CO2']) self.set_fugacity_model(fugacity_models.fugacity_idealgas()) self.set_activity_model(activity_models.activity_idealsolution()) self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [1000, 1400], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'oC', 'IaconoMarzianoCarbon', fail_msg=crmsg_BC_T, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [100, 10000], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bars', 'IaconoMarzianoCarbon', fail_msg=crmsg_BC_P, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description)]) self.set_solubility_dependence(True) # The oxide masses used in the IM webapp. self.IM_oxideMasses = {'Al2O3': 101.96, 'CaO': 56.08, 'FeO': 71.85, 'K2O': 94.2, 'MgO': 40.32, 'Na2O': 61.98, 'SiO2': 60.09, 'TiO2': 79.9, 'H2O': 18.01}
[docs] def calculate_dissolved_volatiles(self, pressure, temperature, sample, X_fluid=1, coeffs='webapp', **kwargs): """ Calculates the dissolved CO2 concentration, using Eq (12) of Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012). If using the hydrous parameterization, it will use the scipy.root_scalar routine to find the root of the root_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure in bars. temperature float Temperature in C sample Sample class Magma major element composition. X_fluid float Mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Default is 1.0. coeffs str Which set of coefficients should be used for H2O calculations: - 'webapp' (default) for the hydrous NBO/O parameterisation coefficients used in the Iacono-Marziano webapp. - 'manuscript' for the hydrous NBO/O parameterisation coefficients given in the Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012) manuscript. - 'anhydrous' for the anhydrous NBO/O parameterisation coefficients given in the Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012) manuscript. Returns ------- float Dissolved H2O concentration in wt%. """ if coeffs not in ['webapp', 'manuscript', 'anhydrous']: raise core.InputError("The coeffs argument must be one of 'webapp', 'manuscript', " "or 'anhydrous'") temperature = temperature + 273.15 # translate T from C to K if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if pressure < 0: raise core.InputError("Pressure must be positive.") if temperature <= 0: raise core.InputError("Temperature must be greater than 0K.") if X_fluid < 0 or X_fluid > 1: raise core.InputError("X_fluid must have a value between 0 and 1.") if pressure == 0: return 0 if coeffs == 'webapp' or coeffs == 'manuscript': im_h2o_model = water() h2o = im_h2o_model.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, temperature=temperature-273.15, sample=sample, X_fluid=1-X_fluid, coeffs=coeffs, **kwargs) sample_h2o = sample.change_composition({'H2O': h2o}, inplace=False) d = np.array([-16.4, 4.4, -17.1, 22.8]) a = 1.0 b = 17.3 B = -6.0 C = 0.12 NBO_O = self.NBO_O(sample=sample_h2o, coeffs=coeffs) else: im_h2o_model = water() h2o = im_h2o_model.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, temperature=temperature-273.15, sample=sample, X_fluid=1-X_fluid, coeffs=coeffs, **kwargs) sample_h2o = sample.change_composition({'H2O': h2o}, inplace=False) d = np.array([2.3, 3.8, -16.3, 20.1]) a = 1.0 b = 15.8 B = -5.3 C = 0.14 NBO_O = self.NBO_O(sample=sample, coeffs=coeffs) fugacity = self.fugacity_model.fugacity(pressure=pressure, X_fluid=X_fluid, temperature=temperature-273.15, **kwargs) if fugacity == 0: return 0 molarProps = sample_h2o.get_composition(units='mol_oxides', oxide_masses=self.IM_oxideMasses) if all(ox in molarProps for ox in ['Al2O3', 'CaO', 'K2O', 'Na2O', 'FeO', 'MgO', 'Na2O', 'K2O']) is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain Al2O3, CaO, K2O, Na2O, FeO, MgO, Na2O, " "and K2O.") if 'Fe2O3' in molarProps: Fe2O3 = molarProps['Fe2O3'] else: Fe2O3 = 0 x = list() if 'H2O' in molarProps: x.append(molarProps['H2O']) else: x.append(0.0) x.append(molarProps['Al2O3']/(molarProps['CaO']+molarProps['K2O']+molarProps['Na2O'])) x.append((molarProps['FeO']+Fe2O3*2+molarProps['MgO'])) x.append((molarProps['Na2O']+molarProps['K2O'])) x = np.array(x) CO3 = np.exp(np.sum(x*d) + a*np.log(fugacity) + b*NBO_O + B + C*pressure/temperature) CO2 = CO3/1e4 return CO2
[docs] def calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(self, pressure, temperature, sample, **kwargs): """ Returns 1.0 if a pure CO2 fluid is saturated. Returns 0.0 if a pure CO2 fluid is undersaturated. Parameters ---------- pressure float The total pressure of the system in bars. temperature float The temperature of the system in C. sample Sample class Magma major element composition (including H2O). Returns ------- float 1.0 if CO2-fluid saturated, 0.0 otherwise. """ if pressure > self.calculate_saturation_pressure(temperature=temperature, sample=sample, **kwargs): return 0.0 else: return 1.0
[docs] def calculate_saturation_pressure(self, temperature, sample, **kwargs): """ Calculates the pressure at which a pure CO2 fluid is saturated, for the given sample composition and CO2 concentration. Calls the scipy.root_scalar routine, which makes repeated called to the calculate_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- temperature float The temperature of the system in C. sample Sample class Magma major element composition (including CO2). Returns ------- float Calculated saturation pressure in bars. """ if temperature <= 0: raise core.InputError("Temperature must be greater than 0K.") if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if sample.check_oxide('CO2') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain CO2") if sample.get_composition('CO2') < 0: raise core.InputError("Dissolved CO2 must be greater than 0 wt%.") try: satP = root_scalar(self.root_saturation_pressure, args=(temperature, sample, kwargs), bracket=[1e-15, 1e5]).root except Exception: w.warn("Saturation pressure not found.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) satP = np.nan return satP
[docs] def root_saturation_pressure(self, pressure, temperature, sample, kwargs): """ Function called by scipy.root_scalar when finding the saturation pressure using calculate_saturation_pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure float Pressure guess in bars temperature float The temperature of the system in C. sample Sample class Magma major element composition, including CO2. kwargs dictionary Additional keyword arguments supplied to calculate_saturation_pressure. Might be required for the fugacity or activity models. Returns ------- float The differece between the dissolved CO2 at the pressure guessed, and the CO2 concentration passed in the sample variable. """ return (sample.get_composition('CO2') - self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, temperature=temperature, sample=sample, **kwargs))
[docs] def NBO_O(self, sample, coeffs='webapp'): """ Calculates NBO/O according to Appendix A.1. of Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012). NBO/O is calculated on either a hydrous or anhyrous basis, as set when initialising the Model class. Parameters ---------- sample pandas Series or dict Major element oxides in wt% (including H2O if using the hydrous parameterization). coeffs str One of: - 'webapp' or 'manuscript' to include H2O in NBO/O - 'anhydrous' to exclude H2O from NBO/O Returns ------- float NBO/O. """ if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if all(sample.check_oxide(ox) for ox in ['K2O', 'Na2O', 'CaO', 'MgO', 'FeO', 'Al2O3', 'SiO2', 'TiO2']) is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain K2O, Na2O, CaO, MgO, FeO, Al2O3, SiO2, " "and TiO2.") X = sample.get_composition(units='mol_oxides', oxide_masses=self.IM_oxideMasses) if 'Fe2O3' in X: Fe2O3 = X['Fe2O3'] else: Fe2O3 = 0 NBO = 2*(X['K2O']+X['Na2O']+X['CaO']+X['MgO']+X['FeO']+2*Fe2O3-X['Al2O3']) Ox = (2*X['SiO2'] + 2*X['TiO2'] + 3*X['Al2O3'] + X['MgO'] + X['FeO'] + 2*Fe2O3 + X['CaO'] + X['Na2O'] + X['K2O']) if coeffs == 'webapp' or coeffs == 'manuscript': if 'H2O' not in X: raise core.InputError("sample must contain H2O if using the hydrous " "parameterization.") NBO = NBO + 2*X['H2O'] Ox = Ox + X['H2O'] return NBO/Ox
crmsg_BC_T = ("{param_name} ({param_val:.1f} {units}) is outside the broad range suggested by " "Iacono-Marziano ({calib_val0:.1f}-{calib_val1:.1f} {units}, although they note " "that this model is best calibrated at 1200-1300C). ") # Warning for Iacono-Marziano pressure crmsg_BC_P = ("{param_name} ({param_val:.1f} {units}) is outside the broad range suggested by " "Iacono-Marziano ({calib_val0:.1f}-{calib_val1:.1f} {units}, although most " "calibration experiments were conducted at <5000 bars). ") mixed = model_classes.MixedFluid({'H2O': water(), 'CO2': carbon()})