Source code for VESIcal


A generalized python library for calculating and plotting various things
related to mixed volatile (H2O-CO2) solubility in silicate melts.

__version__ = "1.2.9"
__author__ = "Kayla Iacovino, Simon Matthews, and Penny Wieser"

# ----------------- IMPORTS ----------------- #
import warnings as w
import pandas as pd

import VESIcal.core
from VESIcal.core import oxides, anhydrous_oxides, volatiles  # noqa F401
from VESIcal.core import fluid_molfrac_to_wt, fluid_wt_to_molfrac  # noqa F401
import VESIcal.activity_models
import VESIcal.batchfile
import VESIcal.batchmodel
import VESIcal.calculate_classes
import VESIcal.calibration_checks
import VESIcal.calibrations
import VESIcal.fugacity_models
import VESIcal.models
import VESIcal.sample_class
import VESIcal.vplot
import VESIcal.thermo

# -------------- TURN OFF WARNINGS ------------- #
w.filterwarnings("ignore", message="rubicon.objc.ctypes_patch has only been tested ")
w.filterwarnings("ignore", message="The handle")
w.filterwarnings("ignore", message="duanH2ODriver(b):")
w.filterwarnings("ignore", message="duanDriver-2:")
w.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Error for element")

# -------------- CALCULATION DEFINITIONS ----- #
class calculate_dissolved_volatiles(

class calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(

class calculate_isobars_and_isopleths(

class calculate_saturation_pressure(

class calculate_degassing_path(VESIcal.calculate_classes.calculate_degassing_path):

class calculate_liquid_density(

class calculate_liquid_viscosity(

# -------------- ACCESS TO GET_MODEL_NAMES ----- #
[docs] def get_model_names(model="all"): return VESIcal.models.get_model_names(model=model)
# -------------- PLOTTING DEFINITIONS ----- # def plot(**kwargs): """ Custom automatic plotting of model calculations in VESIcal. Isobars, isopleths, and degassing paths can be plotted. Labels can be specified for each. Any combination of isobars, isopleths, and degassing paths can be plotted. Parameters ---------- isobars: pandas DataFrame or list OPTIONAL. DataFrame object containing isobar information as calculated by calculate_isobars_and_isopleths. Or a list of DataFrame objects. isopleths: pandas DataFrame or list OPTIONAL. DataFrame object containing isopleth information as calculated by calculate_isobars_and_isopleths. Or a list of DataFrame objects. degassing_paths: list OPTIONAL. List of DataFrames with degassing information as generated by calculate_degassing_path(). custom_H2O: list OPTIONAL. List of groups of H2O values to plot as points. For example['H2O'] is one group of H2O values. Must be passed with custom_CO2 and must be same length as custom_CO2. custom_CO2: list OPTIONAL. List of groups of CO2 values to plot as points.For example['CO2'] is one group of CO2 values. Must be passed with custom_H2O and must be same length as custom_H2O. isobar_labels: list OPTIONAL. Labels for the plot legend. Default is None, in which case each plotted line will be given the generic legend name of "Isobars n", with n referring to the nth isobars passed. Isobar pressure is given in parentheses. The user can pass their own labels as a list of strings. If more than one set of isobars is passed, the labels should refer to each set of isobars, not each pressure. isopleth_labels: list OPTIONAL. Labels for the plot legend. Default is None, in which case each plotted isopleth will be given the generic legend name of "Isopleth n", with n referring to the nth isopleths passed. Isopleth XH2O values are given in parentheses. The user can pass their own labels as a list of strings. If more than one set of isopleths is passed, the labels should refer to each set of isopleths, not each XH2O value. degassing_path_labels: list OPTIONAL. Labels for the plot legend. Default is None, in which case each plotted line will be given the generic legend name of "Pathn", with n referring to the nth degassing path passed. The user can pass their own labels as a list of strings. custom_labels: list OPTIONAL. Labels for the plot legend. Default is None, in which case each group of custom points will be given the generic legend name of "Customn", with n referring to the nth degassing path passed. The user can pass their own labels as a list of strings. custom_colors: list OPTIONAL. Default value is "VESIcal", which uses VESIcal's color ramp. A list of color values readable by matplotlib can be passed here if custom symbol colors are desired. The length of this list must match that of custom_H2O and custom_CO2. custom_symbols: list OPTIONAL. Default value is None, in which case data are plotted as filled circles.. A list of symbol tyles readable by matplotlib can be passed here if custom symbol types are desired. The length of this list must match that of custom_H2O and custom_CO2. markersize: int OPTIONAL. Default value is 10. Same as markersize kwarg in matplotlib. Any numeric value passed here will set the marker size for (custom_H2O, custom_CO2) points. figsize: tuple OPTIONAL. Default value is (12,8). Sets the matplotlib.pyplot figsize value as (x_dimension, y_dimension) save_fig: False or str OPTIONAL. Default value is False, in which case the figure will not be saved. If a string is passed, the figure will be saved with the string as the filename. The string must include the file extension. extend_isobars_to_zero: bool OPTIONAL. If True (default), isobars will be extended to zero, even if there is a finite solubility at zero partial pressure. smooth_isobars: bool OPTIONAL. Default is False. If set to True, isobar data will be fit to a polynomial and plotted. If False, the raw input data will be plotted. smooth_isopleths: bool OPTIONAL. Default is False. If set to True, isopleth data will be fit to a polynomial and plotted. If False, the raw input data will be plotted. Returns ------- fig, axes Matplotlib objects fig and axes matploblib objects defining a plot with x-axis as H2O wt% in the melt and y-axis as CO2 wt%in the melt. Isobars, or lines of constant pressure at which the sample magma composition is saturated, and isopleths, or lines of constant fluid composition at which the sample magma composition is saturated, are plotted if passed. Degassing paths, or the concentration of dissolved H2O and CO2 in a melt equilibrated along a path of decreasing pressure, is plotted if passed. """ return VESIcal.vplot.plot(**kwargs)
[docs] def calib_plot(**kwargs): """ Plots user data and calibration set of any or all models on any x-y plot or a total alkalis vs silica (TAS) diagram. TAS diagram boundaries provided by tasplot python module, copyright John A Stevenson. Parameters ---------- user_data: BatchFile object, Sample object, pandas DataFrame, pandas Series, or dict. OPTIONAL. Default value is None, in which case only the model calibration set is plotted. User provided sample data describing the oxide composition of one or more samples. Multiple samples can be passed as an BatchFile object or pandas DataFrame. A single sample can be passed as a pandas Series. model: str or list OPTIONAL. Default value is 'all', in which case all model calibration datasets will be plotted. 'Mixed' can be used to plot all mixed fluid models. String of the name of the model calibration dataset to plot (e.g., 'Shishkina'). Multiple models can be plotted by passing them as strings within a list (e.g., ['Shishkina', 'Dixon']). plot_type: str OPTIONAL. Default value is 'TAS', which returns a total alkali vs silica (TAS) diagram. Any two oxides can be plotted as an x-y plot by setting plot_type='xy' and specifying x- and y-axis oxides, e.g., x='SiO2', y='Al2O3'. zoom: str or list OPTIONAL. Default value is None in which case axes will be set to the default of 35<x<100 wt% and 0<y<25 wt% for TAS type plots and the best values to show the data for xy type plots. Can pass "user_data" to plot the figure where the x and y axes are scaled down to zoom in and only show the region surrounding the user_data. A list of tuples may be passed to manually specify x and y limits. Pass in data as [(x_min, x_max), (y_min, y_max)]. For example, the default limits here would be passed in as [(35,100), (0,25)]. figsize: tuple OPTIONAL. Default value is (17,8). Sets the matplotlib.pyplot figsize value as (x_dimension, y_dimension). legend: bool OPTIONAL. Default value is True. Can be set to False in which case the legend will not be displayed. save_fig: False or str OPTIONAL. Default value is False, in which case the figure will not be saved. If a string is passed, the figure will be saved with the string as the filename. The string must include the file extension. Returns ------- matplotlib object """ return VESIcal.vplot.calib_plot(**kwargs)
def show(): """ Inherits from """ return # -------------- SAMPLE PROCESSING ---------- # class Sample(VESIcal.sample_class.Sample): """The sample class stores compositional information for samples, and contains methods for normalization and other compositional calculations. The composition is stored as wtpt. If the composition is provided as wtpt, no normalization will be applied. If the composition is supplied as mols, the composition will be normalized to 100 wt%. Parameters ---------- composition dict or pandas.Series The composition of the sample in the format specified by the composition_type parameter. Default is oxides in wtpt. units str Specifies the units and type of compositional information passed in the composition parameter. Choose from 'wtpt_oxides', 'mol_oxides', 'mol_cations'. default_normalization: None or str The type of normalization to apply to the data by default. One of: - None (no normalization) - 'standard' (default): Normalizes an input composition to 100%. - 'fixedvolatiles': Normalizes major element oxides to 100 wt%, including volatiles. The volatile wt% will remain fixed, whilst the other major element oxides are reduced proportionally so that the total is 100 wt%. - 'additionalvolatiles': Normalises major element oxide wt% to 100%, assuming it is volatile-free. If H2O or CO2 are passed to the function, their un-normalized values will be retained in addition to the normalized non-volatile oxides, summing to >100%. default_units str The type of composition to return by default, one of: - wtpt_oxides (default) - mol_oxides - mol_cations - mol_singleO """ pass
[docs] def get_oxides(sample): """ Returns a sample composition with only compositional oxide data, removing any extranneous data. Useful when passing a self-defined sample (e.g. dict or pandas Series) to a some VESIcal function. Parameters ---------- sample: pandas Series or dictionary A sample composition plus other sample information Returns ------- Same type as passed sample (pandas Series or dictionary) Sample composition with extranneous information removed. """ clean = {oxide: sample[oxide] for oxide in VESIcal.core.oxides} if isinstance(sample, dict): return clean if isinstance(sample, pd.core.series.Series): return pd.Series(clean)
# -------------- BATCH PROCESSING ------------ # class BatchFile(VESIcal.batchmodel.BatchFile): """A batch file with sample names and oxide compositions Attributes ---------- filename: str Path to the batch file, e.g., "my_file.xlsx". This always needs to be passed, even if the user is passing a pandas DataFrame rather than an batch file. If passing a DataFrame, filename should be set to None. File can be excel file (.xlsx) or .csv. sheet_name: str OPTIONAL. For Excel files. Default value is 0 which gets the first sheet in the batch spreadsheet file. This implements the pandas. read_excel() sheet_name parameter. But functionality to read in more than one sheet at a time (e.g., pandas.read_excel(sheet_name=None)) is not yet imlpemented in VESIcal. From the pandas 1.0.4 documentation: Available cases: - Defaults to 0: 1st sheet as a DataFrame - 1: 2nd sheet as a DataFrame - "Sheet1": Load sheet with name “Sheet1” file_type: str OPTIONAL. Default is 'excel', which denotes that passed file has extension .xlsx. Other option is 'csv', which denotes that the passed file has extension .csv. units: str OPTIONAL. Default is 'wtpt_oxides'. String defining whether the oxide composition is given in wt percent ("wtpt_oxides", which is the default), mole oxides (mol_oxides) or mole cations (mol_cations). default_normalization: None or str The type of normalization to apply to the data by default. One of: - None (no normalization) - 'standard' (default): Normalizes an input composition to 100%. - 'fixedvolatiles': Normalizes major element oxides to 100 wt%, including volatiles. The volatile wt% will remain fixed, whilst the other major element oxides are reduced proportionally so that the total is 100 wt%. - 'additionalvolatiles': Normalises major element oxide wt% to 100%, assuming it is volatile-free. If H2O or CO2 are passed to the function, their un-normalized values will be retained in addition to the normalized non-volatile oxides, summing to >100%. default_units str The type of composition to return by default, one of: - wtpt_oxides (default) - mol_oxides - mol_cations label: str OPTIONAL. Default is 'Label'. Name of the column within the passed file referring to sample names. dataframe: pandas DataFrame OPTIONAL. Default is None in which case this argument is ignored. This argument is used when the user wishes to turn a pandas DataFrame into an BatchFile object, for example when user data is already in python rather than being imported from a file. In this case set `dataframe` equal to the dataframe object being passed in. If using this option, pass None to filename. """ pass def BatchFile_from_DataFrame(dataframe, **kwargs): """ Provides method for creating a BatchFile object from an existing pandas DataFrame. Inherits from batchfile.BatchFile(). """ return VESIcal.batchmodel.BatchFile_from_DataFrame(dataframe, **kwargs) """ ,,, .***** ,***,* ,* ***** ,***,,,,* ,* ,******* .****,,,.,** ,,*.,********* *****,,,,.**** ,,,,*.,********* * *,**,,,,,,,****** ,,,,,* ,,********,.* . # noqa: E501 .*,*,, //,,.,******* ,,,,,**.//,*******,,., // # noqa: E501 ,**,, //// ,,******** ,,,,,,,, **,,,*** ((,,,,,,,,,,,* //*#### # noqa: E501 .,* , ///((,,,******. ,,,,,,, *********(((,.#### ,,.,* ///####### # noqa: E501 ,,** .((((,******** ,,,*,,, *********.(((#####/.,,** .,, ///#*####### # noqa: E501 ,,**(((((.******* ,,**** **.*********.#(####(( .,**.****** ///##/####### # noqa: E501 ,,***(.( ****** ,*******#*********** #*###( ,,** ******, /////(########### # noqa: E501 ,,, ,**,,,,,,. ,,,**,**.### ****.************. .******, .,,,,,****, ############## # noqa: E501 .,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,* *,#### ************# *************, ,,,,********,***/#######(####### # noqa: E501 ,,,,,, /( (#,*##### *****###/ #### ************ ,,,,,,**********,.**.#######(#########( # noqa: E501 ,,,,, ((((((# ### * * #..######## *****************.## ,,,,,****************,####. 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