Source code for VESIcal.models.shishkina

from VESIcal import activity_models
from VESIcal import calibration_checks
from VESIcal import core
from VESIcal import fugacity_models
from VESIcal import model_classes
from VESIcal import sample_class

import numpy as np
import warnings as w
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar

[docs] class carbon(model_classes.Model): """ Implementation of the Shishkina et al. (2014) carbon solubility model, as a Model class. """ def __init__(self): self.set_volatile_species(['CO2']) self.set_fugacity_model(fugacity_models.fugacity_idealgas()) self.set_activity_model(activity_models.activity_idealsolution()) self.set_solubility_dependence(False) self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [500.0, 5000.0], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Shishkina et al. carbon', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [1200.0, 1300.0], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'oC', 'Shishkina et al. carbon', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'SiO2', [40, 57], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'wt%', 'Shishkina et al. carbon', fail_msg=crmsg_BC_fail_C1, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description)])
[docs] def PiStar(self, sample): """Shishkina et al. (2014) Eq (11) Calculates the Pi* parameter for use in calculating CO2 solubility. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class The magma composition stored in a Sample class. Returns ------- float The value of the Pi* compositional parameter. """ _mols = sample.get_composition(units='mol_cations') if all(cation in _mols for cation in ['Ca', 'K', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Fe', 'Si', 'Al']) is False: raise core.InputError("To calculate PiStar, values for CaO, K2O, Na2O, MgO, FeO," " SiO2, and Al2O3 must be provided in sample.") # Calculate assuming all Fe in Fe+2, as done during calibration if 'Fe3' in _mols: _mols['Fe'] += _mols['Fe3'] _pi = ((_mols['Ca'] + 0.8*_mols['K'] + 0.7*_mols['Na'] + 0.4*_mols['Mg'] + 0.4*_mols['Fe'])/(_mols['Si']+_mols['Al'])) return _pi
[docs] def calculate_dissolved_volatiles(self, pressure, sample, X_fluid=1, **kwargs): """ Calculates the dissolved CO2 concentration in wt%, using equation (13) of Shishkina et al. (2014). Parameters ---------- pressure: float (Total) pressure in bars. sample: Sample class Magma composition. X_fluid: float The mol-fraction of the fluid that is CO2. Default is 1, i.e. a pure CO2 fluid. Returns ------- float The dissolved CO2 concentration in wt%. """ if X_fluid < 0 or X_fluid > 1: raise core.InputError("X_fluid must have a value between 0 and 1.") if pressure < 0: raise core.InputError("pressure must be a positive value.") PiStar = self.PiStar(sample) fugacity = self.fugacity_model.fugacity(pressure=pressure, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) A = 1.150 B = 6.71 C = -1.345 if fugacity == 0: return 0 else: return np.exp(A*np.log(fugacity/10)+B*PiStar+C)/1e4
[docs] def calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(self, pressure, sample, **kwargs): """ Returns 1.0 if a pure CO2 fluid is saturated. Returns 0.0 if a pure CO2 fluid is undersaturated. Parameters ---------- pressure float The total pressure of the system in bars. sample Sample class Magma major element composition. Returns ------- float 1.0 if CO2-fluid saturated, 0.0 otherwise. """ if self.calculate_saturation_pressure(sample=sample, **kwargs) < pressure: return 0.0 else: return 1.0
[docs] def calculate_saturation_pressure(self, sample, **kwargs): """ Calculates the pressure at which a pure CO2 fluid is saturated, for the given sample composition and CO2 concentration. Calls the scipy.root_scalar routine, which makes repeated calls to the calculate_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- sample Sample class Magma major element composition. Returns ------- float Saturation pressure in bar """ if sample.check_oxide('CO2') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain CO2.") if sample.get_composition('CO2') < 0: raise core.InputError("CO2 concentration must be greater than 0 wt%.") try: satP = root_scalar(self.root_saturation_pressure, bracket=[1e-15, 1e5], args=(sample, kwargs)).root except Exception: w.warn("Saturation pressure not found.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) satP = np.nan return satP
[docs] def root_saturation_pressure(self, pressure, sample, kwargs): """ Function called by scipy.root_scalar when finding the saturation pressure using calculate_saturation_pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure float Pressure guess in bars sample Sample class Magma major element composition. kwargs dictionary Additional keyword arguments supplied to calculate_saturation_pressure. Might be required for the fugacity or activity models. Returns ------- float The differece between the dissolved CO2 at the pressure guessed, and the CO2 concentration passed in the sample variable. """ return (self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, sample=sample, **kwargs) - sample.get_composition('CO2'))
[docs] class water(model_classes.Model): """ Implementation of the Shishkina et al. (2014) H2O solubility model as a Model class. """ def __init__(self): self.set_volatile_species(['H2O']) self.set_fugacity_model(fugacity_models.fugacity_idealgas()) self.set_activity_model(activity_models.activity_idealsolution()) self.set_solubility_dependence(False) self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [500.0, 5000.0], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Shishkina et al. water', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [1050, 1400], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'oC', 'Shishkina et al. water', fail_msg=crmsg_BC_fail_T1, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'SiO2', 65, calibration_checks.crf_LessThan, 'wt%', 'Shishkina et al. water', fail_msg=crmsg_LessThan_fail_WaterSi, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'SiO2', 40, calibration_checks.crf_GreaterThan, 'wt%', 'Shishkina et al. water', fail_msg=crmsg_GreaterThan_fail_WaterSi, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_description)])
[docs] def calculate_dissolved_volatiles(self, pressure, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """Calculates the dissolved H2O concentration using Eqn (9) of Shishkina et al. (2014). Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure in bars sample Sample class Magma major element composition. X_fluid float The mol fraction of H2O in the fluid Returns ------- float The H2O concentration in wt% """ if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if sample.check_oxide('Na2O') is False or sample.check_oxide('K2O') is False: raise core.InputError("Na2O and K2O must be present in sample.") if pressure < 0: raise core.InputError("Pressure must be positive.") _mols = sample.get_composition(units='mol_cations') _mol_volatiles = 0 if 'H' in _mols: _mol_volatiles += _mols['H'] if 'C' in _mols: _mol_volatiles += _mols['C'] total_alkalis = (_mols['Na'] + _mols['K'])/(1-_mol_volatiles) fugacity = self.fugacity_model.fugacity(pressure, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) a = 3.36e-7 * (fugacity/10)**3 - 2.33e-4*(fugacity/10)**2 + 0.0711*(fugacity/10) - 1.1309 b = -1.2e-5*(fugacity/10)**2 + 0.0196*(fugacity/10)+1.1297 return a*total_alkalis + b
[docs] def calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(self, pressure, sample, **kwargs): """ Returns 1.0 if a pure H2O fluid is saturated. Returns 0.0 if a pure H2O fluid is undersaturated. Parameters ---------- pressure float The total pressure of the system in bars. sample Sample class Magma major element composition (including H2O). Returns ------- float 1.0 if H2O-fluid saturated, 0.0 otherwise. """ if self.calculate_saturation_pressure(sample=sample, **kwargs) < pressure: return 0.0 else: return 1.0
[docs] def calculate_saturation_pressure(self, sample, **kwargs): """ Calculates the pressure at which a pure H2O fluid is saturated, for the given sample composition and H2O concentration. Calls the scipy.root_scalar routine, which makes repeated calls to the calculate_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- sample Sample class Magma major element composition (including H2O). Returns ------- float Saturation pressure in bar """ if sample.check_oxide('H2O') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain H2O") if sample.get_composition('H2O') < 0: raise core.InputError("H2O concentration must be greater than 0 wt%.") if sample.get_composition('H2O') < self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(sample=sample, pressure=0, **kwargs): return np.nan try: satP = root_scalar(self.root_saturation_pressure, bracket=[1e-15, 1e5], args=(sample, kwargs)).root except Exception: w.warn("Saturation pressure not found.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) satP = np.nan return satP
[docs] def root_saturation_pressure(self, pressure, sample, kwargs): """ Function called by scipy.root_scalar when finding the saturation pressure using calculate_saturation_pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure float Pressure guess in bars sample Sample class Magma major element composition (including H2O). kwargs dictionary Additional keyword arguments supplied to calculate_saturation_pressure. Might be required for the fugacity or activity models. Returns ------- float The differece between the dissolved H2O at the pressure guessed, and the H2O concentration passed in the sample variable. """ return (self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, sample=sample, **kwargs) - sample.get_composition('H2O'))
crmsg_BC_fail_T1 = ("{param_name} ({param_val:.1f} {units}) is outside the calibration range of " "{model_name} ({calib_val0:.1f}-{calib_val1:.1f} {units}). Note, the authors " "recomend that this model is optimally calibrated between 1150-1250C. ") crmsg_BC_fail_C1 = ("{param_name} ({param_val:.1f} {units}) is outside the calibration range of " "{model_name} (calculated from the max and minimum concentrations in the " "calibration dataset +-5%; {calib_val0:.1f}-{calib_val1:.1f} {units}).") # This check warns users if SiO2<40 in the water model crmsg_GreaterThan_fail_WaterSi = ("{param_name}{units} exceeds the lower calibration limit of " "{model_name} ({calib_val:.1f} {units}, based on the minimum " "concentration minus 5% in the calibration dataset). ") # This check warns users if SiO2>65 wt% , the upper limit suggested by Shishkina et al. (2014) crmsg_LessThan_fail_WaterSi = ("{param_name} ({param_val:.1f} {units}) exceeds the upper limit of" " {calib_val:.1f} {units} suggested by Shishkina et al. for their " "H2O model. ") mixed = model_classes.MixedFluid({'H2O': water(), 'CO2': carbon()}) mixed.models[0].calibration_ranges.append( calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'X_fluid', 0.0, calibration_checks.crf_MixedFluidWarning, '', 'Shishkina et al. (2014)', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_MixedFluidWarning_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_MixedFluidWarning_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_MixedFluidWarning_description))