Source code for VESIcal.models.liu

from VESIcal import activity_models
from VESIcal import calibration_checks
from VESIcal import core
from VESIcal import fugacity_models
from VESIcal import model_classes
from VESIcal import sample_class

import numpy as np
import warnings as w
import sympy
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar

[docs] class water(model_classes.Model): """ Implementation of the Liu et al. (2005) H2O solubility model for metaluminous high-silica rhyolitic melts. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the model. """ self.set_volatile_species(['H2O']) self.set_fugacity_model(fugacity_models.fugacity_idealgas()) self.set_activity_model(activity_models.activity_idealsolution()) self.set_solubility_dependence(False) # Generate calibration range objects for each oxide cr_oxide_list = [] for ox in watercomprange.keys(): cr_oxide_list.append( calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( ox, watercomprange[ox], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'wt%', 'Liu et al. (2005) water', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_BC_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_BC_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description)) self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [0, 5000.0], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Liu et al. (2005) water', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [700.0, 1200], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'oC', 'Liu et al. (2005) water', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'sample', None, crf_WaterComp, None, None, fail_msg=crmsg_WaterComp_fail, pass_msg=crmsg_Comp_pass, description_msg=crmsg_Comp_description)] + cr_oxide_list)
[docs] def calculate_dissolved_volatiles(self, sample, pressure, temperature, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class Magma major element composition. pressure float Pressure in bars. temperature float Temperature in degrees C. X_fluid float OPTIONAL. Default is 1.0. Mole fraction of H2O in the H2O-CO2 fluid. Returns ------- float Calculated dissolved H2O concentration in wt%. """ pressureMPa = pressure / 10.0 Pw = pressureMPa * X_fluid PCO2 = pressureMPa * (1 - X_fluid) temperatureK = temperature + 273.15 H2Ot = ((354.94*Pw**(0.5) + 9.623*Pw - 1.5223*Pw**(1.5)) / temperatureK + 0.0012439*Pw**(1.5) + PCO2*(-1.084*10**(-4)*Pw**(0.5) - 1.362*10**(-5)*Pw)) return H2Ot
[docs] def calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(self, sample, pressure, temperature, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class Magma major element composition. pressure float Pressure in bars. temperature float Temperature in degrees C. Returns ------- float Calculated equilibrium fluid concentration in XH2Ofluid mole fraction. """ temperatureK = temperature + 273.15 pressureMPa = pressure / 10.0 H2Ot = sample.get_composition("H2O") # calculate saturation pressure and assert that input P <= SatP satP = self.calculate_saturation_pressure(temperature, sample) is_saturated = satP - pressure if is_saturated >= 0: pass else: w.warn("{:.1f} bars is above the saturation pressure ({:.1f} bars) for this sample. " "Results from this calculation may be nonsensical.".format(pressure, satP)) # Use sympy to solve solubility equation for XH2Ofluid XH2Ofluid = sympy.symbols('XH2Ofluid') # XH2Ofluid is the variable to solve for equation = ((354.94*(XH2Ofluid*pressureMPa)**(0.5) + 9.623*(XH2Ofluid*pressureMPa) - 1.5223*(XH2Ofluid*pressureMPa)**(1.5)) / temperatureK + 0.0012439*(XH2Ofluid*pressureMPa)**(1.5) + pressureMPa*(1-XH2Ofluid)*(-1.084*10**(-4)*(XH2Ofluid*pressureMPa)**(0.5) - 1.362*10**(-5)*(XH2Ofluid*pressureMPa)) - H2Ot) XH2Ofluid = sympy.solve(equation, XH2Ofluid)[0] if XH2Ofluid > 1: XH2Ofluid = 1 if XH2Ofluid < 0: XH2Ofluid = 0 return XH2Ofluid
[docs] def calculate_saturation_pressure(self, temperature, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the pressure at which a an H2O-bearing fluid is saturated. Calls the scipy.root_scalar routine, which makes repeated called to the calculate_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class Magma major element composition. temperature float Temperature in degrees C. X_fluid float OPTIONAL. Default is 1.0. Mole fraction of H2O in the H2O-CO2 fluid. Returns ------- float Calculated saturation pressure in bars. """ temperatureK = temperature + 273.15 if temperatureK <= 0.0: raise core.InputError("Temperature must be greater than 0K.") if X_fluid < 0 or X_fluid > 1: raise core.InputError("X_fluid must have a value between 0 and 1.") if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if sample.check_oxide('H2O') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain H2O.") if sample.get_composition('H2O') < 0.0: raise core.InputError("Dissolved H2O concentration must be greater than 0 wt%.") try: satP = root_scalar(self.root_saturation_pressure, args=(temperature, sample, X_fluid, kwargs), x0=1.0, x1=2.0).root except Exception: w.warn("Saturation pressure not found.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) satP = np.nan return np.real(satP)
[docs] def root_saturation_pressure(self, pressure, temperature, sample, X_fluid, kwargs): """ Function called by scipy.root_scalar when finding the saturation pressure using calculate_saturation_pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure float Pressure guess in bars temperature float The temperature of the system in C. sample: Sample class Magma major element composition, including H2O. kwargs dictionary Additional keyword arguments supplied to calculate_saturation_pressure. Might be required for the fugacity or activity models. Returns ------- float The differece between the dissolved H2O at the pressure guessed, and the H2O concentration passed in the sample variable. """ return (self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, temperature=temperature, sample=sample, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) - sample.get_composition('H2O'))
[docs] class carbon(model_classes.Model): """ Implementation of the Liu et al. (2005) H2O-CO2 solubility model for metaluminous high-silica rhyolitic melts. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the model. """ self.set_volatile_species(['CO2']) self.set_fugacity_model(fugacity_models.fugacity_idealgas()) self.set_activity_model(activity_models.activity_idealsolution()) self.set_solubility_dependence(False) # Generate calibration range objects for each oxide cr_oxide_list = [] for ox in carboncomprange.keys(): cr_oxide_list.append( calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( ox, carboncomprange[ox], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'wt%', 'Liu et al. (2005) carbon', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_BC_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_BC_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description)) self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [0, 5000.0], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Liu et al. (2005) Carbon', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [700.0, 1200], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'oC', 'Liu et al. (2005) Carbon', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'sample', None, crf_CarbonComp, None, None, fail_msg=crmsg_CarbonComp_fail, pass_msg=crmsg_Comp_pass, description_msg=crmsg_Comp_description)] + cr_oxide_list)
[docs] def calculate_dissolved_volatiles(self, sample, pressure, temperature, X_fluid=1, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class Magma major element composition. pressure float Pressure in bars. temperature float Temperature in degrees C. X_fluid float OPTIONAL. Default is 1. Mole fraction of CO2 in the H2O-CO2 fluid. Returns ------- float Calculated dissolved CO2 concentration in wt%. """ pressureMPa = pressure / 10.0 Pw = pressureMPa * (1 - X_fluid) PCO2 = pressureMPa * X_fluid temperatureK = temperature + 273.15 CO2melt_ppm = (PCO2*(5668 - 55.99*Pw)/temperatureK + PCO2*(0.4133*Pw**(0.5) + 2.041*10**(-3)*Pw**(1.5))) CO2melt = CO2melt_ppm / 10000 return CO2melt
[docs] def calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(self, sample, pressure, temperature, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class Magma major element composition. pressure float Pressure in bars. temperature float Temperature in degrees C. Returns ------- float Calculated equilibrium fluid concentration in XCO2fluid mole fraction. """ temperatureK = temperature + 273.15 pressureMPa = pressure / 10.0 if temperatureK <= 0.0: raise core.InputError("Temperature must be greater than 0K.") if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if sample.check_oxide('CO2') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain CO2.") if sample.get_composition('CO2') < 0.0: raise core.InputError("Dissolved CO2 concentration must be greater than 0 wt%.") CO2melt_wt = sample.get_composition("CO2") CO2melt_ppm = CO2melt_wt * 10000 # calculate saturation pressure and assert that input P <= SatP satP = self.calculate_saturation_pressure(temperature, sample) is_saturated = satP - pressure if is_saturated >= 0: pass else: w.warn(str(pressure) + " bars is above the saturation pressure (" + str(satP) + " bars) for this sample. Results from this calculation may be nonsensical.") # Use sympy to solve solubility equation for XH2Ofluid XCO2fluid = sympy.symbols('XCO2fluid') # XCO2fluid is the variable to solve for equation = ((XCO2fluid*pressureMPa*(5668 - 55.99*(pressureMPa*(1-XCO2fluid)))/temperatureK + (XCO2fluid*pressureMPa)*(0.4133*(pressureMPa*(1-XCO2fluid))**(0.5) + 2.041*10**(-3)*(pressureMPa*(1-XCO2fluid))**(1.5))) - CO2melt_ppm) XCO2fluid = sympy.solve(equation, XCO2fluid, real=True)[0] if isinstance(XCO2fluid, float) is False: w.warn("Could not find equilibrium fluid composition.") return 0 else: if XCO2fluid > 1: XCO2fluid = 1 if XCO2fluid < 0: XCO2fluid = 0 return XCO2fluid
[docs] def calculate_saturation_pressure(self, temperature, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the pressure at which a an CO2-bearing fluid is saturated. Calls the scipy.root_scalar routine, which makes repeated called to the calculate_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class Magma major element composition. temperature float Temperature in degrees C. X_fluid float OPTIONAL. Default is 0. Mole fraction of CO2 in the H2O-CO2 fluid. Returns ------- float Calculated saturation pressure in bars. """ temperatureK = temperature + 273.15 if temperatureK <= 0.0: raise core.InputError("Temperature must be greater than 0K.") if X_fluid < 0 or X_fluid > 1: raise core.InputError("X_fluid must have a value between 0 and 1.") if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if sample.check_oxide('CO2') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain CO2.") if sample.get_composition('CO2') < 0.0: raise core.InputError("Dissolved CO2 concentration must be greater than 0 wt%.") try: satP = root_scalar(self.root_saturation_pressure, args=(temperature, sample, X_fluid, kwargs), x0=10.0, x1=2000.0).root except Exception: w.warn("Saturation pressure not found.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) satP = np.nan return np.real(satP)
[docs] def root_saturation_pressure(self, pressure, temperature, sample, X_fluid, kwargs): """ Function called by scipy.root_scalar when finding the saturation pressure using calculate_saturation_pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure float Pressure guess in bars temperature float The temperature of the system in C. sample: Sample class Magma major element composition, including H2O. kwargs dictionary Additional keyword arguments supplied to calculate_saturation_pressure. Might be required for the fugacity or activity models. Returns ------- float The differece between the dissolved H2O at the pressure guessed, and the H2O concentration passed in the sample variable. """ return (self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, temperature=temperature, sample=sample, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) - sample.get_composition('CO2'))
# Defining compositional ranges for Liu - based on the Max value of the calibration dataset +-5% # of that value watercomprange = {'SiO2': [71, 82], 'TiO2': [0, 0.21], 'FeO': [0, 1.5], 'Al2O3': [11.5, 14.2], 'MgO': [0, 0.18], 'CaO': [0, 1.2], 'Na2O': [3.2, 4.9], 'K2O': [3.4, 6.0] } carboncomprange = {'SiO2': [73, 82], 'TiO2': [0.07, 0.12], 'FeO': [0.36, 1.1], 'Al2O3': [11.9, 13.7], 'MgO': [0.05, 0.08], 'CaO': [0.23, 0.6], 'Na2O': [3.9, 4.4], 'K2O': [4.0, 5.0] } def crf_WaterComp(calibval=None, sample=sample_class.Sample({})): comp = sample.get_composition(units='wtpt_oxides') test_results = [] for ox in watercomprange.keys(): test_results.append(comp[ox] >= watercomprange[ox][0] and comp[ox] <= watercomprange[ox][1]) return all(test_results) def crf_CarbonComp(calibval=None, sample=sample_class.Sample({})): comp = sample.get_composition(units='wtpt_oxides') test_results = [] for ox in carboncomprange.keys(): test_results.append(comp[ox] >= carboncomprange[ox][0] and comp[ox] <= carboncomprange[ox][1]) return all(test_results) def crf_MixedComp(calibval=None, sample=sample_class.Sample({})): comp = sample.get_composition(units='wtpt_oxides') test_results = [] for ox in carboncomprange.keys(): test_results.append(comp[ox] >= np.min([watercomprange[ox][0], carboncomprange[ox][0]])) test_results.append(comp[ox] <= np.max([watercomprange[ox][1], carboncomprange[ox][1]])) return all(test_results) crmsg_Comp_pass = ("The sample appears to be similar in composition to the rhyolites and " "haplogranites used to calibrate the Liu et al. model.") crmsg_WaterComp_fail = (" These calibration limits were selected based on the minimum and " "maximum values of these oxides (+-5%) in the Water calibration dataset. " "As the Liu et al. model incorperates no term for compositional " "dependence, users must take extreme care when extrapolating this model " "to compositions which differ significantly from the haplogranites and " "rhyolites in the calibration dataset. These warnings are simply a guide;" " we suggest that users carefully compare their major element data to the " "calibration dataset to check for suitability ") crmsg_CarbonComp_fail = (" These calibration limits were selected based on the minimum and " "maximum values of these oxides (+-5%) in the Carbon calibration dataset." " As the Liu et al. model incorperates no term for compositional " "dependence, users must take extreme care when extrapolating this model " "to compositions which differ significantly from the haplogranites and " "rhyolites in the calibration dataset. These warnings are simply a guide;" " we suggest that users carefully compare their major element data to the" " calibration dataset to check for suitability ") crmsg_Comp_fail = (" These calibration limits were selected based on the minimum and maximum " "values of these oxides (+-5%) in the combined Water and Carbon calibration" " dataset. As the Liu et al. model incorperates no term for compositional " "dependence, users must take extreme care when extrapolating this model to " "compositions which differ significantly from the haplogranites and rhyolites " "in the calibration dataset. These warnings are simply a guide; we suggest that" " users carefully compare their major element data to the calibration dataset " "to check for suitability ") crmsg_Comp_description = "The Liu et al. model is suitable for haplogranites and rhyolites." mixed = model_classes.MixedFluid({'H2O': water(), 'CO2': carbon()}) # Prevent the same error being returned for both H2O and CO2 when using the mixed model. mixed.models[1].set_calibration_ranges([]) _crs_to_update = mixed.models[0].calibration_ranges for _cr in _crs_to_update: _cr.model_name = 'Liu et al. (2005)' cr_oxide_list = [] for ox in carboncomprange.keys(): lo = np.min([watercomprange[ox][0], carboncomprange[ox][0]]) hi = np.max([watercomprange[ox][1], carboncomprange[ox][1]]) cr_oxide_list.append( calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( ox, [lo, hi], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'wt%', 'Liu et al. (2005)', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_BC_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_BC_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description)) mixed.models[0].set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [0, 5000.0], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Liu et al. (2005)', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [700.0, 1200], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'oC', 'Liu et al. (2005)', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'sample', None, crf_MixedComp, None, None, fail_msg=crmsg_Comp_fail, pass_msg=crmsg_Comp_pass, description_msg=crmsg_Comp_description)] + cr_oxide_list)