Source code for VESIcal.models.dixon

from VESIcal import activity_models
from VESIcal import calibration_checks
from VESIcal import core
from VESIcal import fugacity_models
from VESIcal import model_classes
from VESIcal import sample_class

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
import warnings as w

[docs] class carbon(model_classes.Model): """ Implementation of the Dixon (1997) carbon solubility model, as a Model class. """ def __init__(self): self.set_volatile_species(['CO2']) self.set_fugacity_model(fugacity_models.fugacity_MRK_co2()) self.set_activity_model(activity_models.activity_idealsolution()) self.set_calibration_ranges([]) self.set_solubility_dependence(False)
[docs] def calculate_dissolved_volatiles(self, pressure, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """Calculates the dissolved CO2 concentration using Eqn (3) of Dixon (1997). Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure in bars. sample Sample class Magma major element composition. X_fluid float The mol fraction of CO2 in the fluid. Returns ------- float The CO2 concentration in wt%. """ if X_fluid < 0 or X_fluid > 1: raise core.InputError("X_fluid must have a value between 0 and 1.") if pressure < 0: raise core.InputError("Pressure must be positive.") if sample.check_oxide('SiO2') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain SiO2.") if pressure == 0: return 0 XCO3 = self.molfrac_molecular(pressure=pressure, sample=sample, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) return (4400 * XCO3) / (36.594 - 44*XCO3) # Following Dixon 1997 setting Mr as constant
[docs] def calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(self, pressure, sample, **kwargs): """ Returns 1.0 if a pure H2O fluid is saturated. Returns 0.0 if a pure H2O fluid is undersaturated. Parameters ---------- pressure float The total pressure of the system in bars. sample Sample class Magma major element composition. Returns ------- float 1.0 if CO2-fluid saturated, 0.0 otherwise. """ if self.calculate_saturation_pressure(sample=sample, **kwargs) < pressure: return 0.0 else: return 1.0
[docs] def calculate_saturation_pressure(self, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the pressure at which a pure CO2 fluid is saturated, for the given sample composition and CO2 concentration. Calls the scipy.root_scalar routine, which makes repeated called to the calculate_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- sample Sample class Magma major element composition (including CO2). X_fluid float The mole fraction of CO2 in the fluid. Default is 1.0. Returns ------- float Calculated saturation pressure in bars. """ if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if sample.check_oxide('CO2') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain CO2.") if sample.get_composition('CO2') < 0: raise core.InputError("Dissolved CO2 concentration must be greater than 0 wt%.") try: satP = root_scalar( self.root_saturation_pressure, x0=100.0, x1=1000.0, args=(sample, kwargs)).root except Exception: w.warn("Saturation pressure not found.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) satP = np.nan return np.real(satP)
[docs] def molfrac_molecular(self, pressure, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """Calculates the mole fraction of CO3(-2) dissolved when in equilibrium with a pure CO2 fluid at 1200C, using Eqn (1) of Dixon (1997). Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure in bars. sample Sample class Magma major element composition. X_fluid float Mole fraction of CO2 in the fluid. Returns ------- float Mole fraction of CO3(2-) dissolved.""" DeltaVr = 23 # Changed to match dixon spreadsheet.14 (cm3 mole-1) P0 = 1 R = 83.15 T0 = 1473.15 fugacity = self.fugacity_model.fugacity(pressure=pressure, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) XCO3Std = self.XCO3_Std(sample) return XCO3Std * fugacity * np.exp(-DeltaVr * (pressure-P0)/(R*T0))
[docs] def XCO3_Std(self, sample): """ Calculates the mole fraction of CO3(2-) dissolved when in equilibrium with pure CO2 vapour at 1200C and 1 bar, using Eq (8) of Dixon (1997). Parameters ---------- sample Sample class Magma major element chemistry. Returns ------- float Mole fraction of CO3(2-) dissolved at 1 bar and 1200C. """ if sample.get_composition('SiO2') > 48.9: return 3.817e-7 else: return 8.697e-6 - 1.697e-7*sample.get_composition('SiO2')
[docs] def root_saturation_pressure(self, pressure, sample, kwargs): """ The function called by scipy.root_scalar when finding the saturation pressure using calculate_saturation_pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure in bars. sample Sample class Magma major element composition. Returns ------- float The difference between the dissolved CO2 the pressure guessed, and the CO2 concentration passed in the sample variable. """ return (self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, sample=sample, **kwargs) - sample.get_composition('CO2'))
[docs] class water(model_classes.Model): """ Implementation of the Dixon (1997) water solubility model, as a Model class. """ def __init__(self): self.set_volatile_species(['H2O']) self.set_fugacity_model(fugacity_models.fugacity_MRK_h2o()) self.set_activity_model(activity_models.activity_idealsolution()) self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', 1000, calibration_checks.crf_LessThan, 'bar', 'Dixon (1997, Pi-SiO2 simpl.) Water', fail_msg=crmsg_1000bar_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', 2000, calibration_checks.crf_LessThan, 'bar', 'Dixon (1997, Pi-SiO2 simpl.) Water', fail_msg=crmsg_2000bar_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'SiO2', 49, calibration_checks.crf_LessThan, 'wt%', 'Dixon (1997, Pi-SiO2 simpl.) Water', fail_msg=crmsg_49_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'SiO2', 40, calibration_checks.crf_GreaterThan, 'wt%', 'Dixon (1997, Pi-SiO2 simpl.) Water', fail_msg=crmsg_40_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [1000, 1400], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'oC', 'Dixon (1997, Pi-SiO2 simpl.) Water', fail_msg=crmsg_BC_T, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description)]) self.set_solubility_dependence(False)
[docs] def calculate_dissolved_volatiles(self, pressure, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """Calculates the dissolved H2O concentration using Eqns (5) and (6) of Dixon (1997). Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure in bars. sample Sample class Magma major element composition. X_fluid float The mol fraction of H2O in the fluid. Returns ------- float The H2O concentration in wt%. """ if isinstance(sample, sample_class.Sample) is False: raise core.InputError("Sample must be an instance of the Sample class.") if sample.check_oxide('SiO2') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain SiO2.") if pressure < 0: raise core.InputError("Pressure must be positive") if X_fluid < 0 or X_fluid > 1: raise core.InputError("X_fluid must have a value between 0 and 1.") if pressure == 0: return 0 XH2O = self.molfrac_molecular(pressure=pressure, sample=sample, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) XOH = self.XOH(pressure=pressure, sample=sample, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) XB = XH2O + 0.5*XOH return 1801.5*XB/(36.594-18.579*XB) # Following Dixon spreadsheet
[docs] def calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(self, pressure, sample, **kwargs): """ Returns 1.0 if a pure H2O fluid is saturated. Returns 0.0 if a pure H2O fluid is undersaturated. Parameters ---------- pressure float The total pressure of the system in bars. sample Sample class Magma major element composition (including H2O). Returns ------- float 1.0 if H2O-fluid saturated, 0.0 otherwise. """ if self.calculate_saturation_pressure(sample=sample, **kwargs) < pressure: return 0.0 else: return 1.0
[docs] def calculate_saturation_pressure(self, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the pressure at which a pure H2O fluid is saturated, for the given sample composition and H2O concentration. Calls the scipy.root_scalar routine, which makes repeated called to the calculate_dissolved_volatiles method. Parameters ---------- sample Sample class Magma major element composition (including H2O). X_fluid float The mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Default is 1.0. Returns ------- float Calculated saturation pressure in bars. """ if sample.check_oxide('H2O') is False: raise core.InputError("sample must contain H2O") if sample.get_composition('H2O') < 0: raise core.InputError("H2O concentration must be greater than 0 wt%.") try: satP = root_scalar( self.root_saturation_pressure, x0=100.0, x1=1000.0, args=(sample, kwargs)).root except Exception: w.warn("Saturation pressure not found.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) satP = np.nan return np.real(satP)
[docs] def molfrac_molecular(self, pressure, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """Calculates the mole fraction of molecular H2O dissolved when in equilibrium with a pure H2O fluid at 1200C, using Eqn (2) of Dixon (1997). Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure in bars. sample Sample class Magma major element composition. X_fluid float Mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Returns ------- float Mole fraction of molecular H2O dissolved. """ VH2O = 12 # cm3 mole-1 P0 = 1 R = 83.15 T0 = 1473.15 XH2OStd = self.XH2O_Std(sample) fugacity = self.fugacity_model.fugacity(pressure=pressure, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) return XH2OStd * fugacity * np.exp(-VH2O * (pressure-P0)/(R*T0))
[docs] def XH2O_Std(self, sample): """ Calculates the mole fraction of molecular H2O dissolved when in equilibrium with pure H2O vapour at 1200C and 1 bar, using Eq (9) of Dixon (1997). Parameters ---------- sample Sample class Magma major element composition. Returns ------- float Mole fraction of molecular water dissolved at 1 bar and 1200C. """ if sample.get_composition('SiO2') > 48.9: return 3.28e-5 else: return -3.04e-5 + 1.29e-6*sample.get_composition('SiO2')
[docs] def XOH(self, pressure, sample, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the mole fraction of hydroxyl groups dissolved by solving Eq (4) of Dixon (1997). Calls scipy.root_scalar to find the root of the XOH_root method. Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure in bars. sample pandas Series or dict Major element oxides in wt%. X_fluid float Mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Returns ------- float Mole fraction of hydroxyl groups dissolved. """ XH2O = self.molfrac_molecular(pressure=pressure, sample=sample, X_fluid=X_fluid, **kwargs) if XH2O < 1e-14: return 0 return np.exp(root_scalar(self.XOH_root, x0=np.log(0.5), x1=np.log(0.1), args=(XH2O)).root)
[docs] def XOH_root(self, XOH, XH2O): """ Method called by scipy.root_scalar when finding the saturation pressure using the calculate_saturation_pressure method. Implements Eq (4) of Dixon (1997). Parameters ---------- XOH float Guess for the mole fraction of hydroxyl groups dissolved in melt. XH2O float Mole fraction of molecular water dissolved in melt. Returns ------- float The difference between the RHS and LHS of Eq (4) of Dixon (1997) for the guessed value of XOH. """ A = 0.403 B = 15.333 C = 10.894 XOH = np.exp(XOH) term = (XOH)**2.0/(XH2O*(1.0-XOH-XH2O)) lhs = - np.log(term) rhs = A + B*XOH + C*XH2O return rhs - lhs
[docs] def root_saturation_pressure(self, pressure, sample, kwargs): """ Function called by scipy.root_scalar when finding the saturation pressure using calculate_saturation_pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure float Pressure guess in bars sample pandas Series or dict Major elements in wt% (normalized to 100%), including H2O. kwargs dictionary Additional keyword arguments supplied to calculate_saturation_pressure. Might be required for the fugacity or activity models. Returns ------- float The differece between the dissolved H2O at the pressure guessed, and the H2O concentration passed in the sample variable. """ return (self.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, sample=sample, **kwargs) - sample.get_composition('H2O'))
crmsg_40_fail = ("{param_name} ({param_val:.1f} {units})<40 wt%, which is the lower calibration " "limit of the Dixon (1997, Pi-SiO2 simpl.) Model. VESIcal has performed " "calculations assuming SiO2=40wt%. ") crmsg_1000bar_fail = ("{param_name} exceeds 1000 bar, which Iacono-Marziano et al. (2012) suggest" " as an upper calibration limit of the Dixon (1997, Pi-SiO2 simpl.) Model, ") crmsg_2000bar_fail = ("as well as the upper calibration limit of 2000 bar suggested by Lesne et" " al. (2011), ") crmsg_5000bar_fail = ("and the upper calibration limit of 5000 bar suggested by Newman and" " Lowenstern, (2002). ") crmsg_49_fail = ("{param_name} ({param_val:.1f} {units})>49 wt%, which is the calibration limit " "of the Dixon (1997, Pi-SiO2 simpl.) Model. VESIcal has performed calculations " "assuming SiO2=49wt% for this sample. ") # Warning for Dixon temperature crmsg_BC_T = ("{param_name} ({param_val:.1f} {units}) lies more than 200°C away from the " "temperature the Dixon (1997, Pi-SiO2 simpl.) model was calibrated for (the range " "suggested by Newman and Lowenstern, 2002; VolatileCalc). ") mixed = model_classes.MixedFluid({'H2O': water(), 'CO2': carbon()})