Source code for VESIcal.fugacity_models

from VESIcal import calibration_checks
from VESIcal import core

from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np

[docs] class FugacityModel(object): """ The fugacity model object is for implementations of fugacity models for individual volatile species, though it may depend on the mole fraction of other volatile species. It contains all the methods required to calculate the fugacity at a given pressure and mole fraction. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([]) def set_calibration_ranges(self, calibration_ranges): self.calibration_ranges = calibration_ranges
[docs] @abstractmethod def fugacity(self, pressure, **kwargs): """ """
# @abstractmethod def check_calibration_range(self, parameters, report_nonexistance=True): s = '' for cr in self.calibration_ranges: if cr.check(parameters) is False: s += cr.string(parameters, report_nonexistance) return s
# ------------- FUGACITY MODELS -------------------------------- #
[docs] class fugacity_idealgas(FugacityModel): """ An instance of FugacityModel for an ideal gas. """
[docs] def fugacity(self, pressure, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Returns the fugacity of an ideal gas, i.e., the partial pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure of the system, in bars. X_fluid float The mole fraction of the species in the vapour phase. Returns ------- float Fugacity (partial pressure) in bars """ return pressure*X_fluid
[docs] class fugacity_KJ81_co2(FugacityModel): """ Implementation of the Kerrick and Jacobs (1981) EOS for mixed fluids. This class will return the properties of the CO2 component of the mixed fluid. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', 20000.0, calibration_checks.crf_LessThan, 'bar', 'Kerrick and Jacobs (1981) EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', 1050, calibration_checks.crf_LessThan, 'oC', 'Kerrick and Jacobs (1981) EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_description)])
[docs] def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid, **kwargs): """ Calculates the fugacity of CO2 in a mixed CO2-H2O fluid. Above 1050C, it assumes H2O and CO2 do not interact, as the equations are not defined beyond this point. Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure of the system in bars. temperature float Temperature in degC X_fluid float Mole fraction of CO2 in the fluid. Returns ------- float fugacity of CO2 in bars """ if X_fluid == 0: return 0 elif temperature >= 1050.0: return pressure*np.exp(self.lnPhi_mix(pressure, temperature, 1.0))*X_fluid else: return pressure*np.exp(self.lnPhi_mix(pressure, temperature, X_fluid))*X_fluid
[docs] def volume(self, P, T, X_fluid): """ Calculates the volume of the mixed fluid, by solving Eq (28) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981) using scipy.root_scalar. Parameters ---------- P float Total pressure of the system, in bars. T float Temperature in degC X_fluid float Mole fraction of CO2 in the fluid Returns ------- float Volume of the mixed fluid. """ if X_fluid != 1.0: # x0 = self.volume(P,T,1.0)*X_fluid + self.volume_h(P,T)*(1-X_fluid) # print(x0) if P >= 20000 and T < 800-273.15: x0 = (X_fluid*25+(1-X_fluid)*15) else: x0 = (X_fluid*35+(1-X_fluid)*15) else: if P >= 20000 and T < 800-273.15: x0 = 25 else: x0 = 35 return root_scalar(self.root_volume, x0=x0, x1=x0*0.9, args=(P, T, X_fluid)).root
[docs] def root_volume(self, v, P, T, X_fluid): """ Returns the difference between the lhs and rhs of Eq (28) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981). For use with a root finder to obtain the volume of the mixed fluid. Parameters ---------- v float Guess for the volume P float Total system pressure in bars. T float Temperature in degC X_fluid float Mole fraction of CO2 in the fluid. Returns ------- float Difference between lhs and rhs of Eq (28) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981), in bars. """ T = T + 273.15 c = {} h = {} c['b'] = 58.0 c['c'] = (28.31 + 0.10721*T - 8.81e-6*T**2)*1e6 c['d'] = (9380.0 - 8.53*T + 1.189e-3*T**2)*1e6 c['e'] = (-368654.0 + 715.9*T + 0.1534*T**2)*1e6 h['b'] = 29.0 h['c'] = (290.78 - 0.30276*T + 1.4774e-4*T**2)*1e6 h['d'] = (-8374.0 + 19.437*T - 8.148e-3*T**2)*1e6 h['e'] = (76600.0 - 133.9*T + 0.1071*T**2)*1e6 if X_fluid == 1: bm = c['b'] cm = c['c'] c12 = c['c'] dm = c['d'] d12 = c['d'] em = c['e'] e12 = c['e'] else: bm = X_fluid*c['b'] + (1-X_fluid)*h['b'] c12 = (c['c']*h['c'])**0.5 cm = c['c']*X_fluid**2 + h['c']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*c12 d12 = (c['d']*h['d'])**0.5 dm = c['d']*X_fluid**2 + h['d']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*d12 e12 = (c['e']*h['e'])**0.5 em = c['e']*X_fluid**2 + h['e']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*e12 am = cm + dm/v + em/v**2 y = bm/(4*v) pt1 = (83.14 * T * (1 + y + y**2 - y**3)) / (v*(1-y)**3) pt2 = - am / (T**0.5 * v * (v+bm)) return -(P - pt1 - pt2)
[docs] def volume_h(self, P, T): """ Calculates the volume of a pure H2O fluid, by solving Eq (14) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981). Parameters ---------- P float Total pressure in bars. T float Temperature in degC. Returns ------- Difference between lhs and rhs of Eq (14) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981), in bars. """ return root_scalar(self.root_volume_h, x0=15, x1=35, args=(P, T)).root
[docs] def root_volume_h(self, v, P, T): """ Returns the difference between the lhs and rhs of Eq (14) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981). For use with a root solver to identify the volume of a pure H2O fluid. Parameters ---------- v float Guess for the volume P float Total pressure in bars. T float Temperature in degC. Returns ------- float The difference between the lhs and rhs of Eq (14) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981), in bars. """ T = T + 273.15 h = {} h['b'] = 29.0 h['c'] = (290.78 - 0.30276*T + 1.4774e-4*T**2)*1e6 h['d'] = (-8374.0 + 19.437*T - 8.148e-3*T**2)*1e6 h['e'] = (76600.0 - 133.9*T + 0.1071*T**2)*1e6 h['a'] = h['c'] + h['d']/v + h['e']/v**2 y = h['b']/(4*v) pt1 = (83.14 * T * (1 + y + y**2 - y**3)) / (v*(1-y)**3) pt2 = - h['a'] / (T**0.5 * v * (v+h['b'])) return -(P - pt1 - pt2)
[docs] def lnPhi_mix(self, P, T, X_fluid): """ Calculates the natural log of the fugacity coefficient for CO2 in a mixed CO2-H2O fluid. Uses Eq (27) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981). Parameters ---------- P float Total pressure in bars. T float Temperature in degC X_fluid float The mole fraction of CO2 in the fluid. Returns ------- float The natural log of the fugacity coefficient for CO2 in a mixed fluid. """ T = T + 273.15 v = self.volume(P, T-273.15, X_fluid) c = {} h = {} c['b'] = 58.0 c['c'] = (28.31 + 0.10721*T - 8.81e-6*T**2)*1e6 c['d'] = (9380.0 - 8.53*T + 1.189e-3*T**2)*1e6 c['e'] = (-368654.0 + 715.9*T + 0.1534*T**2)*1e6 h['b'] = 29.0 h['c'] = (290.78 - 0.30276*T + 1.4774e-4*T**2)*1e6 h['d'] = (-8374.0 + 19.437*T - 8.148e-3*T**2)*1e6 h['e'] = (76600.0 - 133.9*T + 0.1071*T**2)*1e6 if X_fluid == 1: bm = c['b'] cm = c['c'] c12 = c['c'] dm = c['d'] d12 = c['d'] em = c['e'] e12 = c['e'] else: bm = X_fluid*c['b'] + (1-X_fluid)*h['b'] c12 = (c['c']*h['c'])**0.5 cm = c['c']*X_fluid**2 + h['c']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*c12 d12 = (c['d']*h['d'])**0.5 dm = c['d']*X_fluid**2 + h['d']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*d12 e12 = (c['e']*h['e'])**0.5 em = c['e']*X_fluid**2 + h['e']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*e12 y = bm/(4*v) Z = v*P/(83.14*T) lnPhi = 0 lnPhi += (4*y-3*y**2)/(1-y)**2 + (c['b']/bm * (4*y-2*y**2)/(1-y)**3) lnPhi += - (2*c['c']*X_fluid+2*(1-X_fluid)*c12)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += - cm*c['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*bm*(v+bm)) lnPhi += cm*c['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**2)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += - (2*c['d']*X_fluid+2*d12*(1-X_fluid)+dm)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm*v) lnPhi += (2*c['d']*X_fluid+2*(1-X_fluid)*d12+dm)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**2)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += c['b']*dm/(83.14*T**1.5*v*bm*(v+bm)) + 2*c['b']*dm/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**2*(v+bm)) lnPhi += - 2*c['b']*dm/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**3)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += - (2*c['e']*X_fluid + 2*(1-X_fluid)*e12+2*em)/(83.14*T**1.5*2*bm*v**2) lnPhi += (2*c['e']*X_fluid+2*e12*(1-X_fluid)+2*em)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**2*v) lnPhi += - (2*c['e']*X_fluid+2*e12*(1-X_fluid)+2*em)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**3)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += (em*c['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*2*bm*v**2*(v+bm)) - 3*em*c['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*2*bm**2*v*(v+bm))) lnPhi += (3*em*c['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**4)*np.log((v+bm)/v) - 3*em*c['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**3*(v+bm))) lnPhi += - np.log(Z) return lnPhi
[docs] class fugacity_KJ81_h2o(FugacityModel): """Implementation of the Kerrick and Jacobs (1981) EOS for mixed fluids. This class will return the properties of the H2O component of the mixed fluid. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', 20000.0, calibration_checks.crf_LessThan, 'bar', 'Kerrick and Jacobs (1981) EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', 1050, calibration_checks.crf_LessThan, 'oC', 'Kerrick and Jacobs (1981) EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_LessThan_description)])
[docs] def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid, **kwargs): """ Calculates the fugacity of H2O in a mixed CO2-H2O fluid. Above 1050C, it assumes H2O and CO2 do not interact, as the equations are not defined beyond this point. Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure of the system in bars. temperature float Temperature in degC X_fluid float Mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Returns ------- float fugacity of H2O in bars """ if X_fluid == 0: return 0 elif temperature >= 1050: return pressure*np.exp(self.lnPhi_mix(pressure, temperature, 1.0))*X_fluid else: return pressure*np.exp(self.lnPhi_mix(pressure, temperature, X_fluid))*X_fluid
[docs] def volume(self, P, T, X_fluid): """ Calculates the volume of the mixed fluid, by solving Eq (28) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981) using scipy.root_scalar. Parameters ---------- P float Total pressure of the system, in bars. T float Temperature in degC X_fluid float Mole fraction of H2O in the fluid Returns ------- float Volume of the mixed fluid. """ if X_fluid != 1.0: if P >= 20000 and T < 800-273.15: x0 = ((1-X_fluid)*25+X_fluid*15) else: x0 = ((1-X_fluid)*35+X_fluid*15) else: if P >= 20000 and T < 800-273.15: x0 = 10 else: x0 = 15 return root_scalar(self.root_volume, x0=x0, x1=x0*0.9, args=(P, T, X_fluid)).root
[docs] def root_volume(self, v, P, T, X_fluid): """ Returns the difference between the lhs and rhs of Eq (28) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981). For use with a root finder to obtain the volume of the mixed fluid. Parameters ---------- v float Guess for the volume P float Total system pressure in bars. T float Temperature in degC X_fluid float Mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Returns ------- float Difference between lhs and rhs of Eq (28) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981), in bars. """ T = T + 273.15 c = {} h = {} c['b'] = 58.0 c['c'] = (28.31 + 0.10721*T - 8.81e-6*T**2)*1e6 c['d'] = (9380.0 - 8.53*T + 1.189e-3*T**2)*1e6 c['e'] = (-368654.0 + 715.9*T + 0.1534*T**2)*1e6 h['b'] = 29.0 h['c'] = (290.78 - 0.30276*T + 1.4774e-4*T**2)*1e6 h['d'] = (-8374.0 + 19.437*T - 8.148e-3*T**2)*1e6 h['e'] = (76600.0 - 133.9*T + 0.1071*T**2)*1e6 if X_fluid == 1: bm = h['b'] cm = h['c'] dm = h['d'] em = h['e'] c12 = h['c'] d12 = h['d'] e12 = h['e'] else: bm = X_fluid*h['b'] + (1-X_fluid)*c['b'] c12 = (c['c']*h['c'])**0.5 cm = h['c']*X_fluid**2 + c['c']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*c12 d12 = (c['d']*h['d'])**0.5 dm = h['d']*X_fluid**2 + c['d']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*d12 e12 = (c['e']*h['e'])**0.5 em = h['e']*X_fluid**2 + c['e']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*e12 am = cm + dm/v + em/v**2 y = bm/(4*v) pt1 = (83.14 * T * (1 + y + y**2 - y**3)) / (v*(1-y)**3) pt2 = - am / (T**0.5 * v * (v+bm)) return -(P - pt1 - pt2)
[docs] def volume_c(self, P, T): """ Calculates the volume of a pure CO2 fluid, by solving Eq (14) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981). Parameters ---------- P float Total pressure in bars. T float Temperature in degC. Returns ------- Difference between lhs and rhs of Eq (14) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981), in bars. """ return root_scalar(self.root_volume_c, x0=15, x1=35, args=(P, T)).root
[docs] def root_volume_c(self, v, P, T): """ Returns the difference between the lhs and rhs of Eq (14) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981). For use with a root solver to identify the volume of a pure H2O fluid. Parameters ---------- v float Guess for the volume P float Total pressure in bars. T float Temperature in degC. Returns ------- float The difference between the lhs and rhs of Eq (14) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981), in bars. """ T = T + 273.15 c = {} c['b'] = 58.0 c['c'] = (28.31 + 0.10721*T - 8.81e-6*T**2)*1e6 c['d'] = (9380.0 - 8.53*T + 1.189e-3*T**2)*1e6 c['e'] = (-368654.0 + 715.9*T + 0.1534*T**2)*1e6 c['a'] = c['c'] + c['d']/v + c['e']/v**2 y = c['b']/(4*v) pt1 = (83.14 * T * (1 + y + y**2 - y**3)) / (v*(1-y)**3) pt2 = - c['a'] / (T**0.5 * v * (v+c['b'])) return -(P - pt1 - pt2)
[docs] def lnPhi_mix(self, P, T, X_fluid): """ Calculates the natural log of the fugacity coefficient for H2O in a mixed CO2-H2O fluid. Uses Eq (27) of Kerrick and Jacobs (1981). Parameters ---------- P float Total pressure in bars. T float Temperature in degC X_fluid float The mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Returns ------- float The natural log of the fugacity coefficient for H2O in a mixed fluid. """ T = T + 273.15 v = self.volume(P, T-273.15, X_fluid) c = {} h = {} c['b'] = 58.0 c['c'] = (28.31 + 0.10721*T - 8.81e-6*T**2)*1e6 c['d'] = (9380.0 - 8.53*T + 1.189e-3*T**2)*1e6 c['e'] = (-368654.0 + 715.9*T + 0.1534*T**2)*1e6 h['b'] = 29.0 h['c'] = (290.78 - 0.30276*T + 1.4774e-4*T**2)*1e6 h['d'] = (-8374.0 + 19.437*T - 8.148e-3*T**2)*1e6 h['e'] = (76600.0 - 133.9*T + 0.1071*T**2)*1e6 if X_fluid == 1: bm = h['b'] cm = h['c'] dm = h['d'] em = h['e'] c12 = h['c'] d12 = h['d'] e12 = h['e'] else: bm = X_fluid*h['b'] + (1-X_fluid)*c['b'] c12 = (c['c']*h['c'])**0.5 cm = h['c']*X_fluid**2 + c['c']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*c12 d12 = (c['d']*h['d'])**0.5 dm = h['d']*X_fluid**2 + c['d']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*d12 e12 = (c['e']*h['e'])**0.5 em = h['e']*X_fluid**2 + c['e']*(1-X_fluid)**2 + 2*X_fluid*(1-X_fluid)*e12 y = bm/(4*v) # Z = (1+y+y**2-y**3)/(1-y)**2 - am/(83.14*T**1.5*(v+bm)) Z = v*P/(83.14*T) lnPhi = 0 lnPhi += (4*y-3*y**2)/(1-y)**2 + (h['b']/bm * (4*y-2*y**2)/(1-y)**3) lnPhi += - (2*h['c']*X_fluid+2*(1-X_fluid)*c12)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += - cm*h['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*bm*(v+bm)) lnPhi += cm*h['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**2)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += - (2*h['d']*X_fluid+2*d12*(1-X_fluid)+dm)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm*v) lnPhi += (2*h['d']*X_fluid+2*(1-X_fluid)*d12+dm)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**2)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += h['b']*dm/(83.14*T**1.5*v*bm*(v+bm)) + 2*h['b']*dm/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**2*(v+bm)) lnPhi += - 2*h['b']*dm/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**3)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += - (2*h['e']*X_fluid + 2*(1-X_fluid)*e12+2*em)/(83.14*T**1.5*2*bm*v**2) lnPhi += (2*h['e']*X_fluid+2*e12*(1-X_fluid)+2*em)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**2*v) lnPhi += - (2*h['e']*X_fluid+2*e12*(1-X_fluid)+2*em)/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**3)*np.log((v+bm)/v) lnPhi += (em*h['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*2*bm*v**2*(v+bm)) - 3*em*h['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*2*bm**2*v*(v+bm))) lnPhi += (3*em*h['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**4)*np.log((v+bm)/v) - 3*em*h['b']/(83.14*T**1.5*bm**3*(v+bm))) lnPhi += - np.log(Z) return lnPhi
[docs] class fugacity_ZD09_co2(FugacityModel): """ Implementation of the Zhang and Duan (2009) fugacity model for pure CO2 fluids.""" def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [1, 1e5], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Zhang and Duan (2009) EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [200, 2300], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'oC', 'Zhang and Duan (2009) EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description)])
[docs] def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the fugacity of a pure CO2 fluid, or a mixed fluid assuming ideal mixing. Implements eqn (14) of Zhang and Duan (2009). Parameters --------- pressure float Pressure in bars temperature float Temperature in degC X_fluid float Mole fraction of CO2 in the fluid. Default is 1.0. Returns ------- float Fugacity of CO2, standard state 1 bar. """ P = pressure/10 T = temperature + 273.15 a = np.array([0.0, 2.95177298930e-2, -6.33756452413e3, -2.75265428882e5, 1.29128089283e-3, -1.45797416153e2, 7.65938947237e4, 2.58661493537e-6, 0.52126532146, -1.39839523753e2, -2.36335007175e-8, 5.35026383543e-3, -0.27110649951, 2.50387836486e4, 0.73226726041, 1.5483335997e-2]) e = 235.0 s = 3.79 Pm = 3.0636*P*s**3/e Tm = 154*T/e Vm = root_scalar(self.Vm, x0=200, x1=100, args=(P, T)).root S1 = ((a[1]+a[2]/Tm**2+a[3]/Tm**3)/Vm + (a[4]+a[5]/Tm**2+a[6]/Tm**3)/(2*Vm**2) + (a[7]+a[8]/Tm**2+a[9]/Tm**3)/(4*Vm**4) + (a[10]+a[11]/Tm**2+a[12]/Tm**3)/(5*Vm**5) + (a[13]/(2*a[15]*Tm**3)*(a[14]+1-(a[14]+1+a[15]/Vm**2) * np.exp(-a[15]/Vm**2))) ) Z = Pm*Vm/(8.314*Tm) lnfc = Z - 1 - np.log(Z) + S1 return P*np.exp(lnfc)*10
[docs] def Vm(self, Vm, P, T): """ Function to use for solving for the parameter Vm, defined by eqn (8) of Zhang and Duan (2009). Called by scipy.fsolve in the fugacity method. Parameters ---------- Vm float Guessed value of Vm P float Pressure in MPa T float Temperature in K Returns ------- float Difference between (rearranged) LHS and RHS of eqn (8) of Zhang and Duan (2009). """ Pm = 3.0636*P*3.79**3/235.0 Tm = 154*T/235.0 a = np.array([0.0, 2.95177298930e-2, -6.33756452413e3, -2.75265428882e5, 1.29128089283e-3, -1.45797416153e2, 7.65938947237e4, 2.58661493537e-6, 0.52126532146, -1.39839523753e2, -2.36335007175e-8, 5.35026383543e-3, -0.27110649951, 2.50387836486e4, 0.73226726041, 1.5483335997e-2]) return ((1+(a[1]+a[2]/Tm**2+a[3]/Tm**3)/Vm + (a[4]+a[5]/Tm**2+a[6]/Tm**3)/Vm**2 + (a[7]+a[8]/Tm**2+a[9]/Tm**3)/Vm**4)*0.08314*Tm/Pm - Vm )
class fugacity_MRK_co2(FugacityModel): """ Modified Redlick Kwong fugacity model as used by VolatileCalc. Python implementation by D. J. Rasmussen (, based on VB code by Newman & Lowenstern. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([]) def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the fugacity of CO2 in a pure or mixed H2O-CO2 fluid (assuming ideal mixing). Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure of the system in bars. temperature float Temperature in degC X_fluid float Mole fraction of CO2 in the fluid. Returns ------- float fugacity of CO2 in bars """ fug = self.MRK(pressure, temperature+273.15) return fug*X_fluid def FNA(self, TK): return ((166800000 - 193080 * (TK - 273.15) + 186.4 * (TK - 273.15)**2 - 0.071288 * ((TK - 273.15)**3)) * 1.01325) def FNB(self, TK): return 1.01325 * (73030000 - 71400 * (TK - 273.15) + 21.57 * (TK - 273.15)**2) def FNC(self, TK): R = 83.14321 return (1.01325 * (np.exp(-11.071 + 5953 / TK - 2746000 / TK**2 + 464600000 / TK**3) * 0.5 * R * R * TK**2.5 / 1.02668 + 40123800)) def FNF(self, V, TK, A, B, P): R = 83.14321 return R * TK / (V - B) - A / ((V * V + B * V) * TK**0.5) - P def MRK(self, P, TK): # Redlich-Kwong routine to estimate endmember H2O and CO2 fugacities R = 83.14321 B_1 = 14.6 B_2 = 29.7 for X_1 in [0, 1]: B = X_1 * B_1 + (1 - X_1) * B_2 A = (X_1**2 * self.FNA(TK) + 2 * X_1 * (1 - X_1) * self.FNC(TK) + (1 - X_1)**2 * self.FNB(TK)) Temp2 = B + 5 Q = 1 Temp1 = 0 while abs(Temp2 - Temp1) >= 0.00001: Temp1 = Temp2 F_1 = (self.FNF(Temp1 + 0.01, TK, A, B, P) - self.FNF(Temp1, TK, A, B, P)) / 0.01 Temp2 = Temp1 - Q * self.FNF(Temp1, TK, A, B, P) / F_1 F_2 = (self.FNF(Temp2 + 0.01, TK, A, B, P) - self.FNF(Temp2, TK, A, B, P)) / 0.01 if F_2 * F_1 <= 0: Q = Q / 2. if abs(Temp2 - Temp1) > 0.00001: F_1 = F_2 V = Temp2 G_1 = (np.log(V / (V - B)) + B_1 / (V - B) - 2 * (X_1 * self.FNA(TK) + (1 - X_1) * self.FNC(TK)) * np.log((V + B) / V) / (R * TK**1.5 * B)) G_1 = (G_1 + (np.log((V + B) / V) - B / (V + B)) * A * B_1 / (R * TK**1.5 * B**2) - np.log(P * V / (R * TK))) G_1 = np.exp(G_1) G_2 = (np.log(V / (V - B)) + B_2 / (V - B) - 2 * (X_1 * self.FNC(TK) + (1 - X_1) * self.FNB(TK)) * np.log((V + B) / V) / (R * TK**1.5 * B)) G_2 = (G_2 + (np.log((V + B) / V) - B / (V + B)) * A * B_2 / (R * TK**1.5 * B**2) - np.log(P * V / (R * TK))) G_2 = np.exp(G_2) if X_1 == 0: fCO2o = G_2 * P # The fugacity of CO2 # return fCO2o return fCO2o class fugacity_MRK_h2o(FugacityModel): """ Modified Redlick Kwong fugacity model as used by VolatileCalc. Python implementation by D. J. Rasmussen (, based on VB code by Newman & Lowenstern. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([]) def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): """ Calculates the fugacity of H2O in a pure or mixed H2O-CO2 fluid (assuming ideal mixing). Parameters ---------- pressure float Total pressure of the system in bars. temperature float Temperature in degC X_fluid float Mole fraction of H2O in the fluid. Returns ------- float fugacity of H2O in bars """ fug = self.MRK(pressure, temperature+273.15) return fug*X_fluid def FNA(self, TK): return ((166800000 - 193080 * (TK - 273.15) + 186.4 * (TK - 273.15)**2 - 0.071288 * ((TK - 273.15)**3)) * 1.01325) def FNB(self, TK): return 1.01325 * (73030000 - 71400 * (TK - 273.15) + 21.57 * (TK - 273.15)**2) def FNC(self, TK): R = 83.14321 return (1.01325 * (np.exp(-11.071 + 5953 / TK - 2746000 / TK**2 + 464600000 / TK**3) * 0.5 * R * R * TK**2.5 / 1.02668 + 40123800)) def FNF(self, V, TK, A, B, P): R = 83.14321 return R * TK / (V - B) - A / ((V * V + B * V) * TK**0.5) - P def MRK(self, P, TK): # Redlich-Kwong routine to estimate endmember H2O and CO2 fugacities R = 83.14321 B_1 = 14.6 B_2 = 29.7 # X_1 = 1 for X_1 in [0, 1]: B = X_1 * B_1 + (1 - X_1) * B_2 A = (X_1**2 * self.FNA(TK) + 2 * X_1 * (1 - X_1) * self.FNC(TK) + (1 - X_1)**2 * self.FNB(TK)) Temp2 = B + 5 Q = 1 Temp1 = 0 while abs(Temp2 - Temp1) >= 0.00001: Temp1 = Temp2 F_1 = (self.FNF(Temp1 + 0.01, TK, A, B, P) - self.FNF(Temp1, TK, A, B, P)) / 0.01 Temp2 = Temp1 - Q * self.FNF(Temp1, TK, A, B, P) / F_1 F_2 = (self.FNF(Temp2 + 0.01, TK, A, B, P) - self.FNF(Temp2, TK, A, B, P)) / 0.01 if F_2 * F_1 <= 0: Q = Q / 2. if abs(Temp2 - Temp1) > 0.00001: F_1 = F_2 V = Temp2 G_1 = (np.log(V / (V - B)) + B_1 / (V - B) - 2 * (X_1 * self.FNA(TK) + (1 - X_1) * self.FNC(TK)) * np.log((V + B) / V) / (R * TK**1.5 * B)) G_1 = (G_1 + (np.log((V + B) / V) - B / (V + B)) * A * B_1 / (R * TK**1.5 * B**2) - np.log(P * V / (R * TK))) G_1 = np.exp(G_1) G_2 = (np.log(V / (V - B)) + B_2 / (V - B) - 2 * (X_1 * self.FNC(TK) + (1 - X_1) * self.FNB(TK)) * np.log((V + B) / V) / (R * TK**1.5 * B)) G_2 = (G_2 + (np.log((V + B) / V) - B / (V + B)) * A * B_2 / (R * TK**1.5 * B**2) - np.log(P * V / (R * TK))) G_2 = np.exp(G_2) if X_1 == 1: fH2Oo = G_1 * P # The fugacity of H2O # return fH2Oo return fH2Oo
[docs] class fugacity_HB_co2(FugacityModel): """ Implementation of the Holloway and Blank (1994) Modified Redlich Kwong EoS for CO2. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [1, 1e5], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', 500.0, calibration_checks.crf_GreaterThan, 'oC', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_description)]) self.HBmodel = fugacity_HollowayBlank()
[docs] def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): pure_f = self.HBmodel.fugacity(pressure=pressure, temperature=temperature, species='CO2') return pure_f * X_fluid
[docs] class fugacity_HB_h2o(FugacityModel): """ Implementation of the Holloway and Blank (1994) Modified Redlich Kwong EoS for H2O. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [1, 1e5], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', 500.0, calibration_checks.crf_GreaterThan, 'oC', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_description)]) self.HBmodel = fugacity_HollowayBlank()
[docs] def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid=1.0, **kwargs): pure_f = self.HBmodel.fugacity(pressure=pressure, temperature=temperature, species='H2O') return pure_f * X_fluid
[docs] class fugacity_HollowayBlank(FugacityModel): """ Implementation of the Modified Redlich Kwong presented in Holloway and Blank (1994) Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry vol. 30. Originally written in Quickbasic. CO2 calculations translated to Matlab by Chelsea Allison and translated to python by K. Iacovino for VESIcal. H2O calculations translated to VisualBasic by Gordon M. Moore and translated to python by K. Iacovino for VESIcal. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [1, 1e5], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'MRK EOS (Holloway and Blank, 1994)', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', 500, calibration_checks.crf_GreaterThan, 'oC', 'MRK EOS (Holloway and Blank, 1994)', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_description)])
[docs] def REDKW(self, BP, A2B): """ The RK routine. A routine to calculate compressibility factor and fugacity coefficient with the Redlich-Kwong equation following Edmister (1968). This solution for supercritical fluid. Parameters ---------- BP: float B parameter sum from RKCALC A2B: float A parameter sum from RKCALC Returns ------- float XLNFP (fugacity coefficient?) """ if A2B < 1*10**(-10): A2B = 0.001 # Define constants TH = 0.333333 RR = -A2B*BP**2 QQ = BP*(A2B-BP-1) XN = QQ*TH+RR-0.074074 XM = QQ-TH XNN = XN*XN*0.25 XMM = XM**3 / 27.0 ARG = XNN+XMM if ARG > 0: X = np.sqrt(ARG) F = 1 XN2 = -XN*0.5 iXMM = XN2+X if iXMM < 0: F = -1 XMM = F*((F*iXMM)**TH) F = 1 iXNN = XN2 - X if iXNN < 0: F = -1 XNN = F*((F*iXNN)**TH) Z = XMM+XNN+TH ZBP = Z-BP if ZBP < 0.000001: ZBP = 0.000001 BPZ = 1+BP/Z FP = Z-1-np.log(ZBP)-A2B*np.log(BPZ) if FP < -37 or FP > 37: FP = 0.000001 elif ARG < 0: COSPHI = np.sqrt(-XNN/XMM) if XN > 0: COSPHI = -COSPHI TANPHI = np.sqrt(1-COSPHI**2)/COSPHI PHI = np.arctan(TANPHI)*TH FAC = 2*np.sqrt(-XM*TH) # sort for largest root R1 = np.cos(PHI) R2 = np.cos(PHI+2.0944) R3 = np.cos(PHI+4.18879) RH = R2 if R1 > R2: RH = R1 if R3 > RH: RH = R3 Z = RH*FAC+TH ZBP = Z-BP if ZBP < 0.000001: ZBP = 0.000001 BPZ = 1+BP/Z FP = Z-1-np.log(ZBP)-A2B*np.log(BPZ) if FP < -37 or FP > 37: FP = 0.000001 else: FP = 1 Z = 1 XLNFP = FP return XLNFP
[docs] def Saxena(self, TK, pb): """ High pressure corresponding states routines from Saxena and Fei (1987) GCA vol. 51, 783-791. Parameters ---------- TK: float Temperature in K. pb: float Pressure in bars. Returns ------- float XLNF, Natural log of the ratio F(P)/F(4000 bar) """ # Define integration limit PO = 4000 # Critical temperatures and pressures for CO2 TR = TK/304.2 PC = 73.9 # Virial coeficients A = 2.0614-2.2351/TR**2 - 0.39411*np.log(TR) B = 0.055125/TR + 0.039344/TR**2 C = -1.8935*10**(-6)/TR - 1.1092*10**(-5)/TR**2 - 2.1892*10**(-5)/TR**3 D = 5.0527*10**(-11)/TR - 6.3033*10**(-21)/TR**3 # integrate from PO (4000 bars) to P to calculate ln fugacity LNF = A*np.log(pb/PO)+(B/PC)*(pb-PO)+(C/(2*PC**2))*(pb**2-PO**2) LNF = LNF+(D/(3*PC**3))*(pb**3-PO**3) XLNF = LNF return XLNF
[docs] def RKCALC(self, temperature, pressure, species): """ Calculation of pure gas MRK properties following Holloway 1981, 1987 Parameters ---------- temperature: float Temperature in degrees K. pressure: float Pressure in atmospheres. Returns ------- float Natural log of the fugacity of a pure gas. """ # Define constants R = 82.05736 pb = 1.013*pressure PBLN = np.log(pb) TCEL = temperature-273.15 RXT = R*temperature RT = R*temperature**1.5 * 10**(-6) if species == 'CO2': # Calculate T-dependent MRK A parameter CO2 ACO2M = 73.03 - 0.0714*TCEL + 2.157*10**(-5)*TCEL**2 # Define MRK B parameter for CO2 BSUM = 29.7 ASUM = ACO2M / (BSUM*RT) elif species == 'H2O': # Calculate T-dependent MRK A parameter H2O AH2OM = 115.98 - np.double(0.0016295)*temperature - 1.4984*10**(-5)*temperature**2 # Define MRK B parameter for H2O BSUM = 14.5 ASUM = AH2OM / (BSUM*RT) BSUM = pressure*BSUM/RXT XLNFP = self.REDKW(BSUM, ASUM) # Convert to ln(fugacity) PUREG = XLNFP + PBLN return PUREG
[docs] def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, species, **kwargs): """ Calculates fugacity. Parameters ---------- temperature: float Temperature in degrees C. pressure: float Pressure in bars. species: str Choose which species to calculate. Options are 'H2O' and 'CO2'. Returns ------- float Fugacity coefficient for passed species """ # convert temp and press to atmospheres and Kelvin pressureAtmo = pressure/1.013 temperatureK = temperature + 273.15 PO = 4000/1.013 # Use the MRK below 4,000 bars, Saxena above 4,000 bars if pressure > 4000 and species == 'CO2': iPUREG = self.RKCALC(temperatureK, PO, species) XLNF = self.Saxena(temperatureK, pressure) PUREG = iPUREG + XLNF else: PUREG = self.RKCALC(temperatureK, pressureAtmo, species) # Convert from ln(fugacity) to fugacity stdf = np.exp(PUREG) return stdf
class fugacity_RK_co2(FugacityModel): """ Implementation of the Redlich Kwong EoS for CO2. Code derived from - Patrick J. Barrie 30 October 2003. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [1, 1e5], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', [500], calibration_checks.crf_GreaterThan, 'oC', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_description)]) self.RKmodel = fugacity_RedlichKwong() def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid, **kwargs): return self.RKmodel.fugacity(pressure, temperature, X_fluid, 'CO2') class fugacity_RK_h2o(FugacityModel): """ Implementation of the Redlich Kwong EoS for H2O. Code derived from - Patrick J. Barrie 30 October 2003. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [1, 1e5], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', 500, calibration_checks.crf_GreaterThan, 'oC', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_description)]) self.RKmodel = fugacity_RedlichKwong() def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid, **kwargs): return self.RKmodel.fugacity(pressure, temperature, X_fluid, 'H2O')
[docs] class fugacity_RedlichKwong(FugacityModel): """ Implementation of the Redlich Kwong EoS Code derived from - Patrick J. Barrie 30 October 2003. """ def __init__(self): self.set_calibration_ranges([ calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'pressure', [1, 1e5], calibration_checks.crf_Between, 'bar', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_Between_description), calibration_checks.CalibrationRange( 'temperature', 500, calibration_checks.crf_GreaterThan, 'oC', 'Redlich Kwong EOS', fail_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_fail, pass_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_pass, description_msg=calibration_checks.crmsg_GreaterThan_description)])
[docs] def gamma(self, pressure, temperature, species): """ Calculates fugacity coefficients. Parameters ---------- temperature: fload Temperature in degrees C. pressure: float Pressure in bars. species: str Choose which species to calculate. Options are 'H2O' and 'CO2'. Returns ------- float Fugacity coefficient for passed species. """ temperatureK = temperature + 273.15 R = 8.3145 critical_params = {'CO2': {"cT": 304.15, "cP": 73.8659, "o": 0.225 }, 'H2O': {"cT": 647.25, "cP": 221.1925, "o": 0.334 } } # Calculate a and b parameters (depend only on critical parameters)... a = (0.42748 * R**2.0 * critical_params[species]["cT"]**(2.5) / (critical_params[species]["cP"] * 10.0**5)) b = (0.08664 * R * critical_params[species]["cT"] / (critical_params[species]["cP"] * 10.0**5)) # Calculate coefficients in the cubic equation of state... # coeffs: (C0, C1, C2, A, B) A = a * pressure * 10.0**5 / (np.sqrt(temperatureK) * (R * temperatureK)**2.0) B = b * pressure * 10.0**5 / (R * temperatureK) C2 = -1.0 C1 = A - B - B * B C0 = -A * B # Solve the cubic equation for Z0 - Z2, D... Q1 = C2 * C1 / 6.0 - C0 / 2.0 - C2**3.0 / 27.0 P1 = C2**2.0 / 9.0 - C1 / 3.0 D = Q1**2.0 - P1**3.0 if D >= 0: kOneThird = 1.0 / 3.0 absQ1PSqrtD = np.fabs(Q1 + np.sqrt(D)) temp1 = absQ1PSqrtD**kOneThird temp1 *= (Q1 + np.sqrt(D)) / absQ1PSqrtD absQ1MSqrtD = np.fabs(Q1 - np.sqrt(D)) temp2 = absQ1MSqrtD**kOneThird temp2 *= (Q1 - np.sqrt(D)) / absQ1MSqrtD Z0 = temp1 + temp2 - C2 / 3.0 else: temp1 = Q1**2.0 / (P1**3.0) temp2 = np.sqrt(1.0 - temp1) / np.sqrt(temp1) temp2 *= Q1 / np.fabs(Q1) gamma = np.arctan(temp2) if gamma < 0: gamma = gamma + np.pi Z0 = 2.0 * np.sqrt(P1) * np.cos(gamma/3.0) - C2 / 3.0 Z1 = 2.0 * np.sqrt(P1) * np.cos((gamma + 2.0 * np.pi) / 3.0) - C2/3.0 Z2 = 2.0 * np.sqrt(P1) * np.cos((gamma + 4.0 * np.pi) / 3.0) - C2/3.0 if Z0 < Z1: temp0 = Z0 Z0 = Z1 Z1 = temp0 if Z1 < Z2: temp0 = Z1 Z1 = Z2 Z2 = temp0 if Z0 < Z1: temp0 = Z0 Z0 = Z1 Z1 = temp0 # Calculate Departure Functions gamma = np.exp(Z0 - 1.0 - np.log(Z0-B) - A * np.log(1.0+B/Z0)/B) return gamma
[docs] def fugacity(self, pressure, temperature, X_fluid=1.0, species='H2O', **kwargs): """ Calculates the fugacity of H2O in a mixed H2O-CO2 fluid using the universal relationships: P_i = f_i/gamma_i = (fpure_i * Xfluid_i) / gamma_i See Iacovino (2015) EPSL for further explanation. """ gammaH2O = self.gamma(pressure, temperature, 'H2O') gammaCO2 = self.gamma(pressure, temperature, 'CO2') fugacityH2Opure = pressure * gammaH2O fugacityCO2pure = pressure * gammaCO2 if species == 'H2O': return fugacityH2Opure * X_fluid elif species == 'CO2': return fugacityCO2pure * X_fluid else: raise core.InputError("Species must be H2O or CO2.")