Source code for VESIcal.calculate_classes

from abc import abstractmethod
import warnings as w
import numpy as np

from VESIcal import core
from VESIcal import models
from VESIcal.models import magmasat

from copy import deepcopy

[docs] class Calculate(object): """ The Calculate object is a template for implementing user-friendly methods for running calculations using the volatile solubility models. All Calculate methods have a common workflow- sample is read in, preprocessed, the calculation is performed, the calibration range is checked, and the results stored. """ def __init__(self, sample, model='MagmaSat', silence_warnings=False, **kwargs): """ Initializes the calculation. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class The rock composition as a Sample object. model: string or Model class Which model to use for the calculation. If passed a string, it will look up the name in the default_models dictionary. Default is MagmaSat. silence_warnings: bool Silence warnings about calibration ranges. Default is False. preprocess_sample: bool Before running the calculation, run the sample through the preprocessing routine. As of Feb 2021 this functionality should be redundant. """ self.model_name = model if model == 'MagmaSat': self.model = magmasat.MagmaSat() elif isinstance(model, str): if model in models.default_models.keys(): self.model = models.default_models[model] else: raise core.InputError("The model name given is not recognised." " Run the method get_model_names() to " "find allowed names.") else: self.model = model self.sample = sample self.result = self.calculate(sample=self.sample, **kwargs) self.calib_check = self.check_calibration_range(sample=self.sample, **kwargs) if self.calib_check is not None and silence_warnings is False: if self.calib_check != '': w.warn(self.calib_check, RuntimeWarning) @abstractmethod def calculate(self): """ """ @abstractmethod def check_calibration_range(self): """ """
[docs] class calculate_dissolved_volatiles(Calculate): """ Calculates the dissolved volatile concentration using a chosen model (default is MagmaSat). Using this interface will preprocess the sample, run the calculation, and then check the calibration ranges. All parameters required by the chosen model must be passed. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class The rock composition as a Sample object. pressure: float Total pressure in bars. model: string or Model object Model to be used. If using one of the default models, this can be the string corresponding to the model in the default_models dict. silence_warnings bool If set to True, no warnings will be raised automatically when calibration checks fail. preprocess_sample bool If True (default), the sample will be preprocessed according to the preprocessing operations within the models. If you obtain unexpected results, try setting to False. Returns ------- Calculate object Calculate object, access results by fetching the result property. Dissolved volatile concentrations (in wt%), in order (CO2, H2O, if using a mixed fluid default model). """
[docs] def return_default_units(self, sample, calc_result, **kwargs): """ Checkes the default units set for the sample_class.Sample object and returns the result of a calculation in those units. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class The rock composition as a Sample object. calc_result: dict or float Result of a calculate_dissolved_volatiles() calculation on a sample. """ default_units = sample.default_units # get the composition of bulk_comp = deepcopy(sample) # check if calculation result is H2O-only, CO2-only, or mixed # H2O-CO2 if isinstance(self.model_name, str): if self.model_name in models.get_model_names(model='mixed'): # set dissolved H2O and CO2 values. # this action assumes they are input as wt% but updates the # composition in its default units. bulk_comp.change_composition({'H2O': calc_result['H2O_liq'], 'CO2': calc_result['CO2_liq']}) return {'H2O_liq': bulk_comp.get_composition( species='H2O', units=default_units), 'CO2_liq': bulk_comp.get_composition( species='CO2', units=default_units)} elif 'Water' in self.model_name: bulk_comp.change_composition({'H2O': calc_result}) return bulk_comp.get_composition(species='H2O', units=default_units) elif 'Carbon' in self.model_name: bulk_comp.change_composition({'CO2': calc_result}) return bulk_comp.get_composition(species='CO2', units=default_units) elif self.model_name == 'MagmaSat': bulk_comp.change_composition({'H2O': calc_result['H2O_liq'], 'CO2': calc_result['CO2_liq']}) # check if verbose method has been chosen if 'verbose' in kwargs and kwargs['verbose']: return {'H2O_liq': bulk_comp.get_composition( species='H2O', units=default_units), 'CO2_liq': bulk_comp.get_composition( species='CO2', units=default_units), 'XH2O_fl': calc_result['XH2O_fl'], 'XCO2_fl': calc_result['XCO2_fl'], 'FluidProportion_wt': calc_result[ 'FluidProportion_wt']} else: return {'H2O_liq': bulk_comp.get_composition( species='H2O', units=default_units), 'CO2_liq': bulk_comp.get_composition( species='CO2', units=default_units)} else: # if self.model_name is not a string, most likely this is a # user-created model class, and so we cannot interrogate it for # model type (H2O, CO2, or mixed). # TODO: create model type parameter so that we can ID model type # this way instead of via strings in a list! return calc_result
def calculate(self, sample, pressure, **kwargs): dissolved = self.model.calculate_dissolved_volatiles(pressure=pressure, sample=sample, returndict=True, **kwargs) dissolved_default_units = self.return_default_units(sample, dissolved, **kwargs) return dissolved_default_units def check_calibration_range(self, sample, pressure, **kwargs): parameters = kwargs parameters['sample'] = sample parameters.update(dict(sample.get_composition(units='wtpt_oxides', normalization='none'))) parameters['pressure'] = pressure if len(self.model.volatile_species) == 1: volspec = self.model.volatile_species[0] volconc = self.result parameters.update({volspec: volconc}) else: parameters.update(self.result) calib_check = self.model.check_calibration_range(parameters) return calib_check
[docs] class calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp(Calculate): """ Calculates the equilibrium fluid composition using a chosen model (default is MagmaSat). Using this interface will preprocess the sample, run the calculation, and then check the calibration ranges. All parameters required by the chosen model must be passed. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class The rock composition as a Sample object. pressure: float or None Total pressure in bars. If None, the saturation pressure will be used. model: string or Model object Model to be used. If using one of the default models, this can be the string corresponding to the model in the default_models dict. silence_warnings bool If set to True, no warnings will be raised automatically when calibration checks fail. preprocess_sample bool If True (default), the sample will be preprocessed according to the preprocessing operations within the models. If you obtain unexpected results, try setting to False. Returns ------- Calculate object Calculate object, access result by fetching the result property. Mole fractions of each volatile species, in order (CO2, then H2O, if using a mixed-fluid default model). """ def calculate(self, sample, pressure=None, **kwargs): if pressure is None: pressure = float(self.model.calculate_saturation_pressure( sample=sample, verbose=False, **kwargs)) fluid_comp = self.model.calculate_equilibrium_fluid_comp( pressure=pressure, sample=sample, **kwargs) if isinstance(fluid_comp, dict): fluid_comp = {key: np.float64(value) for key, value in fluid_comp.items()} else: fluid_comp = np.float64(fluid_comp) return fluid_comp def check_calibration_range(self, sample, pressure=None, **kwargs): if pressure is None: pressure = self.model.calculate_saturation_pressure(sample=sample, **kwargs) parameters = kwargs parameters.update(dict(sample.get_composition(units='wtpt_oxides', normalization='none'))) parameters['sample'] = sample parameters['pressure'] = pressure if len(self.model.volatile_species) == 1: volspec = self.model.volatile_species volconc = {volspec[0]: self.result} parameters.update(volconc) elif isinstance(self.model.volatile_species, list): parameters.update(self.result) calib_check = self.model.check_calibration_range(parameters) return calib_check
[docs] class calculate_isobars_and_isopleths(Calculate): """ Calculates isobars and isopleths using a chosen model (default is MagmaSat). Using this interface will preprocess the sample, run the calculation, and then check the calibration ranges. All parameters required by the chosen model must be passed. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class The rock composition as a Sample object. pressure_list: list List of all pressure values at which to calculate isobars, in bars. isopleth_list: list OPTIONAL: Default value is None, in which case only isobars will be calculated. List of all fluid compositions in mole fraction (of the first species in self.volatile_species) at which to calcualte isopleths. Values can range from 0 to 1. points: int The number of points in each isobar and isopleth. Default value is 101. model: string or Model object Model to be used. If using one of the default models, this can be the string corresponding to the model in the default_models dict. silence_warnings bool If set to True, no warnings will be raised automatically when calibration checks fail. preprocess_sample bool If True (default), the sample will be preprocessed according to the preprocessing operations within the models. If you obtain unexpected results, try setting to False. Returns ------- Calculate object Calculate object, access results by fetching the result property. If isopleth_list is not None, two objects will be returned, one with the isobars and the second with the isopleths. If return_dfs is True, two pandas DataFrames will be returned with column names 'Pressure' or 'XH2O_fl', 'H2O_liq', and 'CO2_liq'. If return_dfs is False, two lists of numpy arrays will be returned. Each array is an individual isobar or isopleth, in the order passed via pressure_list or isopleth_list. The arrays are the concentrations of H2O and CO2 in the liquid, in the order of the species in self.volatile_species. """ def calculate(self, sample, pressure_list, isopleth_list=[0, 1], points=101, **kwargs): check = getattr(self.model, "calculate_isobars_and_isopleths", None) if callable(check): # samplenorm = sample.copy() # samplenorm = normalize_AdditionalVolatiles(samplenorm) isobars, isopleths = self.model.calculate_isobars_and_isopleths( sample=self.sample, pressure_list=pressure_list, isopleth_list=isopleth_list, points=points, **kwargs) return isobars, isopleths else: raise core.InputError("This model does not have a " "calculate_isobars_and_isopleths method " "built in, most likely because it is a pure " "fluid model.") def check_calibration_range(self, sample, pressure_list, **kwargs): parameters = kwargs parameters.update(dict(sample.get_composition(units='wtpt_oxides'))) parameters['sample'] = sample s = '' s += self.model.check_calibration_range(parameters) parameters = {} if isinstance(pressure_list, list): pass else: pressure_list = [pressure_list] for pressure in pressure_list: parameters['pressure'] = pressure s += self.model.check_calibration_range(parameters, report_nonexistance=False) return s
[docs] class calculate_saturation_pressure(Calculate): """ Calculates the pressure at which a fluid will be saturated, given the dissolved volatile concentrations. Using this interface will preprocess the sample, run the calculation, and then check the calibration ranges. All parameters required by the chosen model must be passed. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class The rock composition as a Sample object. model: string or Model object Model to be used. If using one of the default models, this can be the string corresponding to the model in the default_models dict. silence_warnings bool If set to True, no warnings will be raised automatically when calibration checks fail. preprocess_sample bool If True (default), the sample will be preprocessed according to the preprocessing operations within the models. If you obtain unexpected results, try setting to False. Returns ------- Calculate object Calculate object, access results by fetching the result property. The saturation pressure in bars as a float. """ def calculate(self, sample, **kwargs): satP = self.model.calculate_saturation_pressure(sample=sample, **kwargs) if isinstance(satP, dict): return {key: np.float64(value) for key, value in satP.items()} else: return np.float64(satP) def check_calibration_range(self, sample, **kwargs): parameters = kwargs if isinstance(self.result, dict): # handles cases where verbose=True parameters['pressure'] = next(iter(self.result.values())) else: parameters['pressure'] = self.result parameters.update(dict(sample.get_composition(units='wtpt_oxides'))) parameters['sample'] = sample s = self.model.check_calibration_range(parameters) return s
[docs] class calculate_degassing_path(Calculate): """ Calculates the dissolved volatiles in a progressively degassing sample. Parameters ---------- sample: Sample class The rock composition as a Sample object. pressure string, float, int, list, or numpy array Defaults to 'saturation', the calculation will begin at the saturation pressure. If a number is passed as either a float or int, this will be the starting pressure. If a list of numpy array is passed, the pressure values in the list or array will define the degassing path, i.e. final_pressure and steps variables will be ignored. Units are bars. fractionate_vapor float What proportion of vapor should be removed at each step. If 0.0 (default), the degassing path will correspond to closed-system degassing. If 1.0, the degassing path will correspond to open-system degassing. final_pressure float The final pressure on the degassing path, in bars. Ignored if a list or numpy array is passed as the pressure variable. Default is 1 bar. steps int The number of steps in the degassing path. Ignored if a list or numpy array are passed as the pressure variable. model: string or Model object Model to be used. If using one of the default models, this can be the string corresponding to the model in the default_models dict. silence_warnings bool If set to True, no warnings will be raised automatically when calibration checks fail. preprocess_sample bool If True (default), the sample will be preprocessed according to the preprocessing operations within the models. If you obtain unexpected results, try setting to False. Returns ------- Calculate object Calculate object, access results by fetching the result property. A DataFrame with columns 'Pressure', 'H2O_liq', 'CO2_liq', 'H2O_fl', 'CO2_fl', and 'FluidProportion_wt', is returned. Dissolved volatiles are in wt%, the proportions of volatiles in the fluid are in mole fraction. """ def calculate(self, sample, pressure='saturation', fractionate_vapor=0.0, final_pressure=100.0, **kwargs): check = getattr(self.model, "calculate_degassing_path", None) if callable(check): data = self.model.calculate_degassing_path( sample=sample, pressure=pressure, fractionate_vapor=fractionate_vapor, final_pressure=final_pressure, **kwargs) return data else: raise core.InputError("This model does not have a " "calculate_isobars_and_isopleths method " "built in, most likely because it is a pure " "fluid model.") def check_calibration_range(self, sample, **kwargs): parameters = kwargs parameters.update(dict(sample.get_composition())) parameters['sample'] = sample s = self.model.check_calibration_range(parameters) parameters = {} parameters['pressure'] = np.nanmax(self.result.Pressure_bars) s += self.model.check_calibration_range(parameters, report_nonexistance=False) return s